Spiros Xanthos

Spiros Xanthos

Spiros Xanthos is the General Manager of Observability at Splunk overseeing Splunk’s Observability and IT product portfolios. Previously he was the CEO and Founder of Omnition, an Observability platform for Cloud Native Applications that pioneered no-sample tracing and co-created OpenTelemetry. Omnition was acquired by Splunk in September 2019. Before Omnition, Spiros started and ran Pattern Insight that built Log Insight (a Log Analytics Platform) until selling it to VMware in 2012 and ezhome which he ran until September 2017. He has a Computer Science MS and is a PhD drop out from UIUC. 

DevOps 4 分程度

新しいSplunk Observability Cloudであらゆる規模の複雑さを克服

ビジネスの加速に伴って、インフラをクラウドに、アプリケーションをコンテナに移行する動きが急速に広がっています。Splunkはアプリケーションパフォーマンス管理、デジタルエクスペリエンス監視、シンセティック監視、ログ調査、インシデント対応など、世界最高クラスのソリューションを結集した新しいSplunk Observability Cloudを発表しました。