Mary Lou Prevost

Mary Lou Prevost

A purpose-driven, passionate, and disruptive sales executive at the Data to Everything company, Splunk. Mary Lou Prevost holds the title of Group Vice President, managing the State, Local Government and Education (SLED) sales team for the US.

With over 20 years of experience, Prevost is a pioneer in the technology industry. A first executive hire to start and lead the SLED vertical at both CA Technologies (acquired by Broadcom) and Palo Alto Networks.

A perfect blend of enterprise technology and cybersecurity mixed with a deep understanding of the challenges facing SLED leaders, Prevost knows how to build teams, partnerships, and trust to deliver innovative solutions and improve outcomes for all.

Prevost is excited to work in SLED for the market leader known to turn data into doing, committed to helping every customer take astronomical amounts of data and make sense of it all to secure, deliver citizen solutions, migrate to the cloud, and remain wildly innovative in the changing world of education. “Helping drive everyone in our State & local governments, higher education and academic medical centers to thrive in the Data Age.

While not traveling for meetings, Prevost spends time with her family and three children, has a passion for the outdoors, and mentoring Women in STEM.

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SplunkはStateRAMP® (State Risk and Authorization Management Program)の認証を取得しました。今後も州政府、地方自治体、大学・教育機関(SLED)に貢献し続けます。