Lerry Wilson

Lerry Wilson

Lerry began his technology career after attending a seminar on the future of personal computing as a cub reporter. Leveraging those years of journalistic curiosity, Lerry continues to passionately question, evolve and promote the immense impact that technology brings to countries, businesses and individuals every day.

Over the past 8 years at Splunk, Lerry has held a variety of positions -  all of them focused on helping partners and customers transform their operations using the Splunk Platform. Today, as more machine data gets generated from edge environments, Lerry is focused on identifying, enabling and scaling the Splunk ecosystem to support data insights that transform businesses in every industry. 

With data as the new fuel of innovation, Lerry is blessed and honored with the opportunity to work with some of the greatest global brands and enterprises as they evolve their data driven operations.

Official Title:

Senior Director, New Markets and Innovation

What You Really Do:

Enable Partnerverse citizens to imagine, create and deliver data driven solutions on the Splunk platform


Being in nature, traveling to new places, writing, reading and spending time with my two daughters

Favorite Quote:

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

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