Laurie Timms

Laurie Timms

Laurie is a long-time tech marketer with 25+ years of writing and customer marketing experience. At Splunk, Laurie is a Senior Peer Reference Manager, working in the Customer Advocacy team, driving the peer reference and review program. Laurie holds a B.A. in communications and marketing from Texas Tech University. Outside of work, Laurie enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, hiking and cooking. She is also the proud parent of two Mini Australian Shepherds (Poppy and Penny).

Official Title:

Sr. Peer Reference Manager

What You REALLY Do?

I built and manage the Peer Reference program at Splunk, which includes peer reviews, peer-to-peer sales references & TechValidate

First Day at Splunk:

Official FTE start date Jan. 10, 2022


Customers, writing, cooking, hiking, travel, mothering, random acts of craft

Favorite Album:

Joshua Tree – U2 (although Lizzo has my ear lately)

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