Anthony Perez

Anthony Perez

Anthony is Director of Field Technology for Splunk’s public sector headquarters in Mclean, Virginia.  Prior to joining Splunk, Anthony spent several years at a global consulting firm where he led the development and execution of novel approaches for aggregating, analyzing, and assessing cyber threats to US interests.

Mr. Perez is a graduate of the Whiting School of Engineering at Johns Hopkins University and holds an M.S. in Information Systems specializing in Security.

Official Title:

Director of Field Technology, Public Sector

What You Really Do:

Lead teams of engineers to create innovative solutions to some of Splunk Public Sector customers' most difficult challenges


Problem solving, strategy and execution, wilderness exploration, micro-adventures

Favorite Quote:

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.”

– Robert Kennedy

Favorite Album:

Wilco - A.M.

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