Annette Sheppard

Annette Sheppard

Annette Sheppard is the Director of Product Marketing for Splunk’s AIOps solutions. Interested in both human-centered design and the enormous potential of AI, Annette loves working with customers to learn how to make their lives better. Annette holds an MBA from Duke University and BS in Design and Environmental Analysis from Cornell University. Outside of work, Annette can be found playing with her mini-aussie, teaching glassblowing (her first career), reading, wandering museums, and enjoying in the great outdoors.

.conf & .conf Go 2 分程度

Splunk IT Service Intelligence 4.17で検出精度を向上させて価値実現までの時間を短縮

.conf23で発表されたSplunk IT Service Intelligence (ITSI)の新しいイノベーションは、精度と明瞭度をかつてないほど高めて、価値実現までの時間を短縮し、運用効率を向上させます。