Anna Mensing

Anna Mensing

Anna is the Director of Product Marketing for Splunk’s Platform and Machine Learning products. She works closely with customers to help them understand how their data can reveal insights across Security, Observability and more. She has 12+ years of experience bringing to market SaaS and software solutions in technology and public sector industries. Anna holds an MBA from Duke University and a degree in Systems and Information Engineering from the University of Virginia. Outside of work, Anna enjoys traveling, reading science fiction, trying out new cooking recipes, hiking and exploring the Washington, DC area!

.conf & .conf Go 6 分程度


SplunkのAnna Mensingが、.conf24で注目のSplunkプラットフォームセッションの見どころをご紹介します。

Splunk Virtual Compute (SVC)とは?

.conf & .conf Go 5 分程度


Splunk Cloud Platformと一般提供が開始されたSplunk Enterprise 9.0では、新機能の追加や機能の拡張により、ハイブリッドクラウド環境で完全忠実なデータに基づくビジネスの意思決定、迅速なアクション、組織により適したインサイトの活用が可能になりました。