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What is AI TRiSM?

ChatGPT can write it, but can you trust it? Lots of models deliver outputs and perhaps, but why do we trust them? The AI TRiSM framework solves this issue.
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Common Cybersecurity Jobs: Skills, Responsibilities & Salaries

For a job that won’t go out of style, look no further than cybersecurity. Check out this roundup of in-demand roles in security that companies always seek.
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What's GRC? Governance, Risk & Compliance Explained

GRC. The acronym for the 3 areas that businesses can not afford to ignore. Learn all about governance, risk, and compliance — plus how to get started.
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Data Denormalization: The Complete Guide

To normalize or not normalize your data. Decide here, as we explain why you’d denormalize data (faster query times!) but also the reasons to avoid it.
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What is Federated Search?

Searching isn’t as easy as you think: did Google get your request? Are you pinging multiple databases? Is ChatGPT involved? Learn all about federated search here.
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What Does "Zero Day" Mean?

Nothing described with “zero” sounds good. That’s absolutely the case here, when it comes to zero-day vulnerabilities, exploits and attacks.
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What is SQL Injection?

Injecting anything is rarely a good thing. When injection hijacks your SQL and interferes with your primary web systems, you’re in real trouble. Find out here.
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What's DRM? Digital Rights Management Explained

Do you write, design, create, game, stream online? Have you wondered, “Who owns this stuff?” Well, here’s our guide on digital rights management.
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Data Lakehouses: Everything You Need To Know

An emerging data architecture, data lakehouses sure sound nicer than both data warehouses and data lakes — that’s because data lakehouses are nicer to use.
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Top DevOps Certifications for 2024 & Beyond

Earning a DevOps certification is like unlocking the cheat code to becoming a tech wizard, but without having to collect 10,000 magic mushrooms first.
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The SOC Manager/Director Role: Skills, Duties, Salary & More

Becoming an SOC manager? Hiring for one? The SOC manager role is critical for ensuring cybersecurity, from threat detection to incident response.
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Cyber Resilience Explained: Strategies, Definitions, & More

Cyber resilience is like a superhero cape: you won’t be invincible, but you will be stronger against the bad guys. Get all the details here — no cape required.
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Splunk Threat Intelligence Management

We’ve made some updates to Threat Intelligence Management. Get the latest information here.
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Audit Logging 101: Everything To Know About Audit Logs & Trails

Audit logs are tiny records that pack a lot of information — if you know how to use them. Learn the 4 key functions audit logs support. (Hint: one is security.)
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The Compliance-as-a-Service (CaaS) Ultimate Guide

Compliance — but make it subscription-based! Yes, the as-a-service model comes for compliance. Let’s see the good, the concerns and how this works.
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What Is Cyber Forensics?

Cyber forensics is being a detective, except you don't have to wear a trench coat! Get the details on cyber forensics and learn how you can solve cybercrimes.
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Supply Chain Attacks: What You Need to Know

Supply chain attacks are like Jenga, except instead of removing blocks, you're removing security measures. Instead of the tower falling, your company does.
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Log Aggregation: Everything You Need to Know for Aggregating Log Data

Aggregating log data shouldn’t be difficult! (Thanks, technology.) Learn why you need it & how to do it right — log data can inform all parts of your business.
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Behavioral Analytics in Cybersecurity

Analyzing behaviors has a lot of use cases. In this article, we are hyper-focused on using BA for the cybersecurity of your enterprise. Learn all about BA here.
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CIO vs. CISO vs. CPO: What's The Difference?

The lines dividing three roles — CIO, CISO and CPO — can get blurry. Let’s make it clear and easy to understand what these three Chiefs do!
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The Incident Commander Role: Duties & Best Practices for ICs

Oh no, a critical incident has just happened. Chaos everywhere, but who is in charge? The Incident Commander, of course. Get all the details on the IC role here.