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Log Analytics: Everything To Know About Analyzing Log Data

Breaking news: Log data can provide a ton of value, if you know how to do it right. Read on to get everything you need to know to maximize value from logs.
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DevOps Release Management Concepts & Best Practices

Explore DevOps release management best practices that help your team automate and maintain rapid deployment schedules for releasing reliable software faster.
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The Digital Resilience Guide: 7 Steps To Building Digital Resilience

When faced with major changes and cyberattacks, digital resilience ensures our systems can bounce back. See more, react fast. With digital resilience.
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SOC 1, 2, 3 Compliance: Understanding & Achieving SOC Compliance

Discover how SOC compliance can give your business a competitive edge and assure your clients to trust your organization with their sensitive data.
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Vulnerability Types: 5 Types of Vulnerabilities You Need To Know

A vulnerability is any flaw or weakness. Weaknesses that bad actors might attack. So, know the 5 most common types of vulnerabilities to start detecting.
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The ISO/IEC 27001 Standard for Information Security

Is there a standard for ensuring information security? There sure is, and it’s known as ISO/IEC 27001. Get the latest & greatest information here.
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FedRAMP® Compliance: What It Is, Why It Matters & Tips for Achieving It

Learn about FedRAMP® compliance, the security standard to protect the federal government’s most sensitive unclassified data in the cloud.
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Credential Stuffing: How To Prevent It

One more reason to NOT reuse passwords! Credential stuffing is the most common cyberattack today. Read here for expert details on how to stop these attacks.
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Data Streaming: A Complete Introduction

Ever think about how you receive messages so quickly? 🌊 That’s all thanks to Data Streaming, the backbone of so many technologies we rely on daily.
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The Shared Responsibility Model for Security in The Cloud (IaaS, PaaS & SaaS)

In the cloud, the Shared Responsibility Model is a nice way of saying “I’ll handle these things, you handle those things.” We break it down here for you.
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Serverless Architecture & Computing

💻 🌆 Serverless architecture is just another way of saying, “We’ll design the apps and software, you make the backend work.” Get all the details here.
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What is Generative AI? ChatGPT & Other AIs Transforming Creativity and Innovation

Did ChatGPT or Bard write this article? Are those dogs AI-created? We’ll let you decide, as you read the greatest explainer of Generative AI today.
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Adaptive AI: Components, Use Cases, & Ethics

What if code adjusted itself, improving how apps function in real time? That’s exactly what adaptive AI could do. Read on to see what this means.
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What Is Platform Engineering?

Platform engineering is suddenly everywhere, with DevOps experts pivoting to this new approach. Is it a short-term trend, or here to stay? Let’s find out.
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Splunk Data Stream Processor

Learn about Splunk Data Stream Processor (DSP) in this blog post.
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Spear Phishing & How To Prevent It

Highly targeted spear phishing attacks focus on specific individuals in businesses. Are you one of them? Are you being targeted? Find out here.
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Command and Control (C2) Attacks Explained

Good: command and control systems identify and respond to threats. Bad news: it’s also a way attackers take control to carry out malicious activities.
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Data Centers: The Ultimate Guide To Data Center Cooling & Energy Optimization

Because data contribute heavily to carbon emissions (thus overall climate change), they are the perfect place to optimize and reduce energy usage.
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Mean Time to Acknowledge (MTTA): What It Means & How To Improve MTTA

The sooner you know about a problem, the sooner you can address it, right? Well, that’s exactly what MTTA measures. Let’s take a look.
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Splunk Open Source: What To Know

Get the latest on open-source products and solutions from Splunk, plus a ton of excellent, free (!!), hands-on resources for exploring with Splunk.
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What Is Data Resilience?

You’ve got data, plenty of it. The question is whether you’re maximizing it. If your data isn’t serving your customers, then you need to build data resilience.