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Cybercrime as a Service (CaaS) Explained

Perhaps unsurprisingly, cybercrime is now available for hire. Harnessing the ‘as a service’ model, find out how cybercrime can be enacted by practically anyone.
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Cryptography 101: Key Principles, Major Types, Use Cases & Algorithms

Cryptography underpins so many digital interactions — you might not even realize it. Get the full story on cryptography, use cases and emerging types.
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Social Engineering Attacks: The 4 Stage Lifecycle & Common Techniques

Social engineering attacks are everywhere. That’s because they exploit the weakest security link: humans. Read on to know the lifecycle and common techniques.
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Cybersecurity Risk Management: 5 Steps for Assessing Risk

Don’t just guess your risk profile — assess it! Learn about cybersecurity risk management and apply these 5 steps to turn the process into an ongoing practice.
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How Structured, Unstructured & Semi-Structured Data Change Your Data Analytics Practice

Know the three structure types of data: structured, unstructured & semi-structured, and see exactly what this means for your data analytics practice.
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Corporate Espionage: What You Need To Know

Cyber threats are not only anonymous. Find out why people you know, and perhaps partner with, are spying on you — and whether it’s corporate espionage.
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Top 5 Incident Response Metrics with Real-World Examples & Impact

Understand key metrics essential to incident response. Leverage these metrics, along with incident management KPIs, to provide added value to your customers.
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Hacking 101: Black Hat vs. White Hat vs. Gray Hat Hacking

Is hacking evil? We’ll explain how hacking is a spectrum, with some good, some bad, some ugly. But it has potential to affect 2/3 of the Earth’s population!
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Splunk Log Observer

Splunk Log Observer is no longer available for purchase. Luckily, we’ve got you covered for all the same Observability functions. Get the details here.
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RBAC vs. ABAC vs. ACL: Access Control Models for IAM

Access control: Role based or attribute based? Get the full story on RBAC and ABAC — and yes, even our old friend ACL — in this access control article.
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Most Common Types of Ransomware Today

Don’t be held hostage by cyberattackers. Ransomware is here to stay. Prepare by knowing exactly how they work (there’s different types) and how to prevent them
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Disaster Recovery Planning: The Organizational Guide

Disaster recovery planning. No one’s favorite activity, but someone’s gotta do it. Plan easily with this step-by-step framework that covers all disaster types.
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Denial-of-Service Attacks: History, Techniques & Prevention

DoS attacks have a long history, but they’re also predicted to get worse in 2023. Find out the many ways they work and learn to prevent them in the first place.
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Encryption Explained: At Rest, In Transit & End-To-End Encryption

Humans have encrypted messages for millennia. Today it’s essentially part of daily life. Understand how it works — and decide if you need end-to-end encryption.
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What is a MITM (Man in the Middle) Attack?

A classic cyberattack, the man in the middle attack is still around. Learn techniques and preventions and see exactly why MITMs are a bit less threatening today.
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Spyware in 2024

Spyware: the name says it all. But not all spyware is bad, as we explain in this article, though each spyware type certainly has real threat potential.
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NOC vs SOC: Comparing Network & Security Operations Centers

NOCs and SOCs are functions no business can ignore. Understand the different goals and responsibilities so you can succeed at network & security operations.
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Using Splunk for SEO Log File Analysis

This blog post will showcase just a few of the ways we’re using Splunk to improve our own technical SEO.
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What is DevOps Automation?

Automation is essential to DevOps — but it’s not easy. This guide details how to automate DevOps and the best tools for the job so you can succeed in no time!
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Machine Data: An Introduction

This blog post will explore what machine data is, how it’s used, common examples of machine data, why it’s important and more.
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CMDBs Explained: Configuration Management Databases

Meant to provide visibility into all IT assets, CMDBs are routinely underutilized. Learn how to plan, implement and maintain a CMDB to maximize business value.