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Cyber Counterintelligence (CCI): Offensive & Defensive Strategies for Cybersecurity

How do you gather intelligence about the bad actors trying to infiltrate your systems? Cyber counterintelligence offers defensive and offensive approaches.
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Common Event Format (CEF): An Introduction

In this blog post, we'll take a look at common event format (CEF) s a standard for the interoperability of event- or log generating devices and applications.
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What Is Data Analytics? The 4 Analytics Types You Need To Know

Data analytics is a whole world of information that you can glean meaning from. See the 4 types of data analytics any business practice needs today.
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Monitoring vs Observability vs Telemetry: What's The Difference?

Don’t be confused, be creative. Observability is a lot more than mere monitoring. In fact, the possibilities are practically endless. Find out more here.
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Canonical Data Models (CDMs) Explained

Take control of your organization's data mess. Canonical data models will reduce the work you do to your data. Find out exactly how to get started.
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CSIRTs: Computer Security Incident Response Teams

A major security incident happens: you need to minimize the impact and restore normality ASAP. The best way to do it? The CSIRT. Get all the details about this team.
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Ransomware Families & RaaS Groups

Every 19 seconds a ransomware attack launches. Are these standalone attacks? Are they operating within a ransomware family of shared knowledge? Find out here.
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Introduction To Key Management

A crucial part of cryptography and cybersecurity, key management is how you share secret key knowledge that enables secure communications over the network.
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Threat Hunting vs. Threat Detecting: What's The Difference?

Hunting threats, detecting threats. Sounds the same — but they are not! Get tons of info (+ free resources) for prevention methods that underpin cybersecurity.
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The Triple DES Intro: Triple Data Encryption Standard

Triple DES is an encryption standard that’s NIST-approved for use through 2030. Let’s see how it works and when you want — and don’t want — to use it.
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Business Resilience: What It Is & How To Build It

Business resilience is an encompassing way to prepare your organization for anything. Research shows how resiliency enables you to thrive amid change!
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Elliptic Curve Cryptography: An Introduction

Let’s see how elliptic curve cryptography works, in this digestible, less academic look that still thoroughly explains this technical topic.
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Watering Hole Attacks, Explained

What happens when a vulnerability in vendor software (not your own) leads to a cyberattack? That’s a watering hole attack, and it’s what we’re exploring here.
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Splunk OnDemand Services: An Introduction & Example

Get started with Splunk OnDemand Services (ODS), an advisory service that bridges the gap between Technical Support and project-based services delivered by Professional Services.
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Honeypots Explained: Hitting Hackers Where It Hurts

Entice hackers to your system to gather cyberthreat intelligence. Get the latest on honeypot types and interactions and see why it isn’t all so sweet.
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Phishing Scams & Attacks: A Complete Guide

With 323,000+ victims worldwide, phishing is the most common cybersecurity threat in the digital sphere. Get the latest trends and stats on avoiding phishing.
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Edge AI Explained: How It Works, Features, Challenges & More

Edge AI is destined to play a starring role in overall AI adoption — but it will face the same adoption challenges as any other AI or technology.
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Advanced Encryption Standard & AES Rijndael Explained

Learn all about AES Rijndael, today's go-to algorithm that won a NIST competition for ensuring data confidentiality — and it does much more than that!
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What's a Firewall? The Complete Guide

Firewalls are a standard cybersecurity technology, but implementing them is challenging. Read all about the 7 types of firewalls systems here.
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Network Security Monitoring (NSM) Explained

Network security monitoring sounds like other security measures like intrusion detection. Find out why it's not — and what makes it so useful for IT today.
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How Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) Work: One Part of Your Security Arsenal

Are Intrusion Detection Systems outdated? Are they enough? See how IDS detect unauthorized network intrusions, and understand their limitations, too.