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Splunk is now officially part of Cisco, bringing the full power of the network together with market-leading security and observability solutions.

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1 min read
Congratulations to all of the 2024 Splunkie Award winners announced at .conf24!
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Data Integration for Higher Education: An NJIT and Splunk Case Study

With Splunk, NJIT can combine disparate streams of event, academic and infrastructure data to bolster physical and digital security across the campus.
.conf & .conf Go 2 Min Read

Announcing the 2024 Splunk Partner Awards Winners!

Congratulations to the 2024 Splunk Partner Awards winners and our entire partner community on an outstanding year!
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Supercharge Insights with Generative AI: Splunk AI Assistant for SPL is now GA

Announced at .conf24, Splunk AI Assistant for SPL is now available globally for Splunk Cloud users.
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Cisco and Splunk Bring Full-Stack Observability to the Entire Enterprise

Splunk has teamed up with Cisco to deliver engineers and ITOps teams with an improved leading observability experience.


Latest Articles

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Trunk-Based Development vs. GitFlow: Which Source Code Control is Right for You?

Understand trunk-based development and GitFlow, two source code management approaches, so you can decide which is right for your developer environment.
Tips & Tricks 3 Min Read

Executive Lookout: Observing Observability

Get a grip on your Observability world with a 10,000ft view of usage and uptake with free Executive Dashboards from the Splunk Observability Content Contribution repository.
Learn 5 Min Read

What Is TBD? Trunk-Based Development & Its Role in CI/CD

Trunk-based development is a popular way to control source code when developing apps. Learn how TBD works, how it supports CI/CD, and when to avoid it.
Security 2 Min Read

Splunk Security Essentials 3.6.0: A Holistic View of Your Security

Check out all the new features being released in Splunk Security Essentials 3.6.0.
DevOps 4 Min Read

The Next Frontier for Observability: Data Ownership with OpenTelemetry

Owning observability telemetry data has many benefits. This article explains why OpenTelemetry is the right way to own this data instead of relying on a vendor.
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Status Pages: The Ultimate Guide

Status pages show real-time status of applications and services. See how these best practices make status pages succeed — and why that’s crucial for business.
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The Very Best Blockchain & Web3 Podcasts

In this blog post we review some of the most important - and informative - podcast series in the Web3 & Blockchain space.
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Production Environment Review: The Ultimate Checklist

Make releases smoother! Check this list for all the areas you want to review in production environments to improve release quality and cadence.

Why Is Customer Success So Important?

Discover why customer success is so important and how Splunk's customer success resources are driving better business outcomes for our customers.