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Tag: Observability

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DevOps 4 Min Read

How to Maximize the Performance of Your Kubernetes Deployment

Learn how to maximize the performance of your Kubernetes deployment with Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring which integrates with every layer of your deployment.
DevOps 4 Min Read

How to Instrument a Java App Running in Amazon EKS

Amazon EKS and Kubernetes has become top of mind for many SREs. Learn how to instrument a basic Java application running on Amazon EKS with Splunk APM.
DevOps 6 Min Read

Real User Monitoring: Past, Present and Future

In this post, we trace the history of real user monitoring (RUM) tools and argue that we're again on the precipice of change, where legacy RUM tools are no longer good enough for new users and their needs.
DevOps 4 Min Read

Debugging Microservices with Distributed Tracing and Real-Time Log Analytics

Learn more about how Splunk APM and Splunk Log Observer make debugging microservices with distributed tracing and real-time log analytics fast and easy.
DevOps 6 Min Read

Distributed Tracing for Kafka Clients with OpenTelemetry and Splunk APM

In this blog, we will cover how to enable distributed tracing for Kafka clients with OpenTelemetry and Splunk APM.
DevOps 3 Min Read

How to Optimize Your Cloud Spend Using Observability

Cloud services make deployment easier but can make costs higher. Learn how Observability can help you control your cloud costs in this blog post from Splunk.
DevOps 6 Min Read

Understanding Where You Fit in the Web Performance Maturity Curve

Splunker Mat Ball explores the Performance Maturity Curve, and how organizations can use this to systematically improve their performance and business in a sustainable way.

What Top Brands Are Saying About Splunk Observability Cloud

What makes Splunk Observability Cloud unique from other solutions? Splunk's Chief Customer Officer, John Sabino, lets the customers do the talking.
DevOps 4 Min Read

Why You Need Real-Time for Faster MTTR

Time to respond and resolve issues are of major importance in today's complex systems, especially in microservices in clouds. Make sure your monitoring gives you the ability to respond both quickly and accurately.