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Splunk Life Blogs

Splunk Life
4 min read
Get to know the programs at Splunk to support career development through the Three Es (plus 1): Education, Experience, Exposure and Evaluation.

Latest Articles

Splunk Life 3 Min Read

Farewell to Splunk’s Chief T-Shirt Officer

Raise a glass of good wine to toast Splunk’s original Chief T-Shirt Officer and former CMO, Steve Sommer
Splunk Life 2 Min Read

Splunk Hosts Girl Geek Dinner

The mission of Bay Area Girl Geek Dinners is to connect women in technology, entrepreneurship and business.
Splunk Life 2 Min Read

Data night: Splunking your Valentine’s RomCom.

You can use Splunk to evaluate any dataset, even Valentine's movies—added MovieLens dataset to Splunk, used pivot and dashboards to get results.