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A Little Fraud Goes a Long Way: What You Need to Know About Fraud Detection

With a drastic increase in security threats such as fraud, understanding your most critical data and how you can protect it is key
Security 3 Min Read

What You Need to Know About Boss of the SOC

We introduced a new security activity at .conf2016 called “Boss of the SOC” (or BOTS), born from our belief that learning can be both realistic and fun.
Security 1 Min Read

The GDPR: Ready for the wakeup call from your Data Privacy Officer?

How machine data can help organisations prepare for GDPR and support their compliance programmes
Security 2 Min Read

Why Detection and Response Holds the Key to Data Protection

Enterprises are changing security spending strategies and moving away from prevention-only to focus on threat detection and response
Security 1 Min Read

Playbook: Risk-Based Domain Blocking

This playbook uses domain reputation from DomainTools to risk score a domain. It also uses OpenDNS to enforce security policy and block access to the domain.
Security 1 Min Read

Splunk at Black Hat USA 2017

The Splunk Security team is gearing up for Black Hat and DEF CON in Las Vegas this week – get a look at what's in store.
Security 3 Min Read

A Day in the Life of a Phantom Security Solutions Architect

We sit down with Frank Scholl, a Phantom Security Solutions Architect to learn how his role enables customer success with security automation.
Security 2 Min Read

Evaluating an SA&O Platform’s Security

One of the most important aspects to consider when evaluating a security automation and orchestration platform is the inherent security features it offers.
Security 2 Min Read

Playbook: Malicious Insider Containment

This example Phantom Playbook below provides an automated response plan to the malicious insider.