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Platform Blogs

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Splunk Platform introduces new data management capabilities that enable faster and more cost-effective root cause analysis and incident resolution of customer-facing issues.

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Platform 3 Min Read

Splunk Stream 7.2 - Integration with Amazon VPC Traffic Mirroring

Splunk Stream 7.2 - Integration with Amazon VPC Traffic Mirroring
Platform 3 Min Read

Predicting and Preventing Crime with Machine Learning - Part1

Using technology to make the world a better place is not an unattainable vision anymore. Machine learning can help predict and prevent crime.
Platform 3 Min Read

Introducing the Splunk Operator for Kubernetes

The Splunk Operator for Kubernetes (SOK) makes it easy for Splunk Administrators to deploy and operate Enterprise deployments in a Kubernetes infrastructure.
Platform 3 Min Read

Splunk Cloud 8.0: New Technology to Help You Transform at Mission Speed

Overview of how Splunk Cloud administrators can take advantage of the new 8.0 features to make their lives easier managing their Splunk Cloud environment at scale.
Platform 2 Min Read

Building Splunk Mobile for Android

At .conf19, we announced the general availability of Splunk Mobile for Android. Now we're diving deeper into its capabilities and the value it brings for customers!
Platform 3 Min Read

Get in Command of Splunk Resources with Workload Management - Part 3

New workload management features in Splunk Enterprise 8.0
Platform 3 Min Read

How To Make Your Business Process Suck Less - Part 3

The third post in a three-part series on how to improve business process and business operations with Splunk Business Flow
Platform 4 Min Read

Splunk for Maintaining a State of Good Repair (Part 1) – The Hot Tub Nightmare!

Using the Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit for detecting and preventing water leaks (yes, really!)
Platform 3 Min Read

Get in Command of Splunk Resources with Workload Management - Part 2

Configuration of workload management and high priority search use case