Will you be attending .conf22 in Las Vegas or virtually from June 13-16? Then be sure to check out these cool blockchain sessions!
PLAA1622C - Blockchain, NFTS, and Splunk: A Match Made for Web3
Tuesday, June 14 | 3:20 PM
Come see how you can collect and analyze NFTs and Ethereum contracts using Splunk products! This session will teach you how to add Ethereum (and other) blockchain data to your existing Splunk data pool. Monitoring your blockchain infrastructure and data is as easy as monitoring your IT infrastructure, and we’ll show you how to make it so. See how we track everything from fraud to supply chain logistics to Buttercup NFTs from high-level overview dashboards down to individual transaction logs.
OBS1864 - Getting Splunk Data Insights from Ethereum and Bitcoin Blockchains Workshop
Thursday, June 16 | 12:30 PM
During this hands-on session, you will experience working with Splunk directly against ledger data. With our help, you will learn how to analyze and create insights from popular blockchains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. We have ingested all blocks and data residing on those chains so you can easily:
- Start searching NFTs
- Understand the volume of transactions of a token or the activity of an account on chain
- Developed unique expertise in understanding blockchain data
- Integrating it with your Splunk environment
- This session is only available for in-person attendees and will not be available to virtual attendees.
Buttercup Bucks are a way to encourage .conf22 in-person attendees to engage in various parts of the program where you are rewarded with Splunk's own digital currency, Buttercup Bucks (BCB). Every BCB that you earn, trade, or spend will be live data coming into a Splunk instance to highlight Splunk Connect for Ethereum as well as the overall power of Splunk's core platform. Track all your BCB in the custom-built digital crypto wallet that is accessed from the conference mobile app.
You could keep them and wait until they go to the moon, but where’s the fun in that?!
You have three options to spend your BCBs:
(We could be biased, but we think Buttercup is much cuter than Bored Ape.)
Registration for .conf22 is open! You can find more information and register at conf.splunk.com. If you’re interested in learning more about Splunk’s Web3 solution follow us on Twitter and subscribe to stay up to date on the latest and greatest from the Splunk blockchain community.
Follow all the conversations coming out of #splunkconf22!
The world’s leading organizations rely on Splunk, a Cisco company, to continuously strengthen digital resilience with our unified security and observability platform, powered by industry-leading AI.
Our customers trust Splunk’s award-winning security and observability solutions to secure and improve the reliability of their complex digital environments, at any scale.