The goal of the SplunkTrust™ program is not to recognize users in the room who know the most about Splunk. Rather, the SplunkTrust program was created to acknowledge and recognize the most helpful users in the room. We look for individuals that connect their domain expertise, their knowledge of Splunk, and their passion to help others find success. An ideal SplunkTrust candidate has demonstrated high participation in multiple areas of the Splunk community during the previous year.
index IN (answers, user_groups, splunk_base, splunk_ideas, splunk_global_impact, splunk_docs, community_*) | ‘assess_unprecedented_community_helpfullness’ | stats sum(contributions) AS total_contributions min(_time) as first_seen max(_time) as last_seen BY splunk_user | ‘splunktrust_rating_process’ | hammerfight | outputlookup SplunkTrust
What's so wonderful about being a member of the SplunkTrust? Primarily, it’s an honor that represents a recognition by peers that the person embodies the hallmarks of the program — being helpful, technical, knowledgeable, and readily available. And it comes with perks, too! SplunkTrust members receive the coveted Splunk Fez with membership pin, Splunk EDU credits, and a free pass to .conf23. Members are also entitled to use the SplunkTrust logo on their professional profiles on sites such as LinkedIn, and their status is designated with a fez icon on their Splunk Community profile.
Additionally, there are virtual events held throughout the year exclusively for members of the SplunkTrust, and we have dedicated speaking slots for members at our .conf events to showcase their thought-leadership and knowledge.
Splunk inducts the cohort of SplunkTrust members annually at our .conf event. This year, we have 14 new members joining the 57 returning members from our previous SplunkTrust selection.
We are excited to announce our .conf23 SplunkTrust cohort:
Gerald Cato
Giuseppe Cusello
Johannes Effland
Vatsal Jagani
Sebastian Kramp
Mariusz Kruk
Guilhem Marchand
Mark McCullough
Sanjay Reddy Gaddam
James Sevener
Somesh Soni
Keara Spoor
Balaji Thambisetty
Bradley Walsh
Brett Adams
Ryan Adler
Gareth Anderson
Michael Bentley
Steven Bochniewicz
Mika Borner
Antony Bowesman
Becky Burwell
Shawn Cannon
Suat Celikok
Siddhartha Chakraborty
Mary Cordova
Aleem Cummins
Mhike Funderburk
Suman Gajavelly
Rich Galloway
Lakshmanan Ganesan
Javier García Nieva
Adam Gold
Björn Hansen
Dal Jeanis
Rohit Joshi
Nancy Kafer
Chris Kaye
Steve Koelpin
Tom Kopchak
Matthias Kowalewski
Charles Kuykendall
Yuan Liu
Alex Lu
Rich Mahlerwein
Nick Mealy
Manjunath Meti
Madison Moss
Martin Müller
Renjith Nair
Cary Petterborg
Ryan Plas
Gregory Rivas
Shawn Routhier
Nadine Shillingford
David Shpritz
Diogo Silva
Michael Simko
Kyle Smith
Ismo Soutamo
Daniel Spavin
Matt Uebel
Michael Uschmann
Kamlesh Vaghela
Dominique Vocat
Duane Waddle
Colby Williams
Tom Wise
Yutaka Yamada
Srikanth Yarlagadda
Chris Younger
We want to thank all of our SplunkTrust members for their tremendous contributions and for being such helpful, kind, and knowledgeable guiding lights for their peers. Please join me in congratulating the .conf23 SplunkTrust cohort!
Follow all the conversations coming out of #splunkconf23!
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