Ronald Perzul

Ronald Perzul

Ronald Perzul is working as Senior Sales Engineer covering Central Europe with focus on Splunk for IoT and IT. Prior to joining Splunk, Ronald worked as a solution architect at IBM in the predictive analytics space and for the Watson IoT for Manufacturing business unit. Furthermore, Ronald has more than 10 years of experience working in the analytics segment for SAP and IBM. Before working as a sales engineer Ronald has worked in professional services acting as lead consulting, trusted advisor, solution architect and project manager.

Industries 3 Min Read

Self-Service Analytics for the Shop Floor [Part 2] - A Practical Example using MQTT

Find out how to onboard data from industrial assets using the MQTT protocol and make them available for self-service analytics.
Industries 3 Min Read

Self-Service Analytics for the Shop Floor [Part I] - Splunk Core Concepts

Get to know more about Splunk concepts, including data integration from industrial assets, the power of metrics and Analytics Workspace for fully supported self-service analytics.