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Faya Peng
Faya Peng

Faya leads the PM teams responsible for the Data Platform in Splunk Cloud Platform and Splunk Enterprise (includes Search, Indexing, Data Management, and Experiences). Her previous roles at Splunk include leading the Product Marketing team and Business Operations and Strategy for IT Markets/Observability. Faya holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Meet the New Splunk Lantern

Splunk Lantern, your go-to source for outcome-oriented, actionable Splunk content, has relaunched with a great a new interface to help you find the content you need and lots of new content types to help you achieve your business goals.
Leadership 3 Min Read

Cloud’s Cutting Edge: How McLaren, Domino’s and Other Leaders Stay Competitive

Splunk's Teresa Carlson shares a glimpse into various customers' journeys as they embrace a cloud-first mindset and the amazing outcomes they'e achieved as a result.
Security 5 Min Read

Partner Spotlight: IT-ISAC Members Automate and Simplify Intelligence Sharing with TruSTAR

We recently interviewed IT-ISAC Executive Director Scott Algeier to discuss why the organization chose to partner with TruSTAR, and the benefits its members are experiencing using TruSTAR to simplify integrations, automate data flows and make intel more actionable.
Splunk Life 3 Min Read

Splunker Stories: Emelie Szybanow

In the latest edition of our "Splunker Stories" series, we meet one of Splunk’s Regional Sales Director of Sweden and Finland, Emelie Szybanow to learn more about her journey to Splunk, celebrate her recent win of the Sales Rising Star award, and learn more about her work with Splunk’s diversity projects in the Nordics.
.conf & .conf Go 2 Min Read

SplunkLive! Virtual EMEA - Data Driven Hope

Last week saw SplunkLive! Virtual EMEA took place. Splunk VP EMEA, Frederik Maris takes a closer look at the highlights of the event.
Security 2 Min Read

Staff Picks for Splunk Security Reading May 2021

Check out the favorite security-centric presentations, white papers and customer case studies from various peeps in the Splunk (or not) security world that WE think everyone should read.
IT 2 Min Read

Why You Should Migrate from Legacy Apps to IT Essentials Work

We understand change is never easy, but trust us when we say, migrating from these legacy apps and adopting the new IT Essentials Work (ITE Work) app will be both worthwhile and beneficial.
Leadership 3 Min Read

State of Security Research Zeroes in on Data Strategies

Get a first look into the post-SolarWinds security landscape and discover how to improve your security posture with The State of Security 2021 report, new research sponsored by Splunk.
Security 8 Min Read

Advanced Link Analysis, Part 3 - Visualizing Trillion Events, One Insight at a Time

Learn how to get actionable insights from large datasets using link analysis in the third installment of our Advanced Link Analysis series, showcasing the interactive visualization of advanced link analysis with Splunk partner, SigBay.