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The world’s leading organizations trust Splunk to help keep their digital systems secure and reliable. Our software solutions and services help to prevent major issues, absorb shocks and accelerate transformation. Learn what Splunk does and why customers choose Splunk.  


Tips & Tricks 4 Min Read

Using Syslog-ng with Splunk

Installing, configuring and using syslog-ng as the main syslog server for Splunk. A discussion and manual to make this shift for your company server.
Security 2 Min Read

Herjavec Group and Splunk Strengthen Alliance to Provide Managed Security Services

Splunk strengthens alliance with Herjavec Group to provide managed security services against cyber attacks.
.conf & .conf Go 6 Min Read

What’s next? Next-level Splunk sysadmin tasks, part 3

Part 3 of NextLevel Splunk sysadmin series. Correcting issues from the top and fixing any significant gaps from when data is generated to when it’s collected.