
Business valuation calculator

Get Your Migration to Cloud Value Estimate

Estimate and compare the costs of running Splunk Cloud Platform (SaaS) vs On-Prem and/or Self-Managed In Cloud deployments. Estimates include licensing, hardware, labor, training and implementation costs. Discover how much admin effort you can save by using Splunk Cloud Platform, and how you can turn the lost admin time into deploying new Splunk use-cases.

Are you an existing Splunk customer?

Customers new to Splunk please choose “No”

What is your existing license size?

For existing customers, enter the size of existing license

What will your expected license size be?

Enter your total license size

The existing license size input can't be empty

The expected license size input can't be empty

Must be greater than 50 when Enterprise Security, IT Service Intelligence, PCI, or FedRamp are selected as Premium Apps or deployment options

Existing License Size should be less than Expected License Size

Input field's value can't be less than 5

What are you comparing Splunk Cloud to?

Comparison to Cloud vs. Self-Managed on-premises and/or On-prem deployment options are supported

Please select any applicable Premium Apps or deployment options:

Splunk Cloud returns higher value than self-managed deployment.

Comparative assessment finds Splunk Cloud to reduce admin overhead and hardware costs while opening opportunities for innovation.

Splunk Cloud returns

123% lower

cost than Self-Managed in Cloud

456% lower

cost than Self-Managed On-Prem

Total cost over a 3 year period

Splunk Cloud Platform (SaaS) costs 

Self-Managed In Cloud costs

Self-Managed In Cloud costs

Education and training

Infrastructure cost

Labor cost

Professional services

Subscription cost

Splunk Cloud costs*1,2 over 3 years

Infrastructure cost


Labor cost

Labor cost
Professional services
Education and training
Total costs
Admin hours saved
Additional business value (use cases) attained

Self-Managed In Cloud costs*1,2 over 3 years

Infrastructure cost


Labor cost

Labor cost
Professional services
Education and training
Total costs

Self-Managed On-premises costs*1,2 over 3 years

Infrastructure cost


Labor cost

Labor cost
Professional services
Education and training
Total costs

Want to get the full report?

Our cloud experts can provide the analysis calculations and help you further customize the report

*1 These are just estimates and your actual costs may vary depending on number of factors. The numbers provided by the calculator are for discussion purposes only and not binding on either you or Splunk. As prices vary by country or region to get more accurate assessment and information on the costs and assumptions for the calculator please contact the Splunk cloud experts team by clicking the button “Get It Now”.

*2 This model assumes IT administration costs related to maintaining, upgrading, troubleshooting on-premise deployments is not required in cloud. In return IT staff gains more time to perform other high-value tasks and use case delivery.