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Faya Peng
Faya Peng

Faya leads the PM teams responsible for the Data Platform in Splunk Cloud Platform and Splunk Enterprise (includes Search, Indexing, Data Management, and Experiences). Her previous roles at Splunk include leading the Product Marketing team and Business Operations and Strategy for IT Markets/Observability. Faya holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Platform 4 Min Read

Creating a Custom Container for the Deep Learning Toolkit: Splunk +

Creating custom containers for the Deep Learning Toolkit
Global Impact 2 Min Read

Redefining Humanitarian Aid with Splunk

As we continue to see extreme weather patterns, improving our ability to respond to natural disasters remains a high priority for nonprofits and government organizations.
Platform 2 Min Read

Best Practices for Using Splunk Workload Management

Provides pointers on how to best use Splunk workload management
Splunk Life 2 Min Read

Splunk Marketing Kickoff 2020 - A Most Excellent Adventure

The first week after the holidays started with a bang aka the Splunk Marketing Kickoff 2020. If you ever wondered how Splunk marketing prepares for an exciting year ahead, read it all here.
DevOps 3 Min Read

AWS Lambda Monitoring with Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring

We partnered with several of our customers to develop monitoring for Lambda with their real-world use cases in mind with Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring.
Security 4 Min Read

CVE-2020-0601 - How to operationalize the handling of vulnerabilities in your SOC

Recently the CVE-2020-0601 vulnerability was discovered by the NSA. Find out everything you need to know and how you can tackle it in this blog post.
Security 2 Min Read

Using Splunk Attack Range to Test and Detect Data Destruction (ATT&CK 1485)

Using Splunk Attack Range to test and detect Data Destruction techniques
IT 3 Min Read

Splunk Enterprise + Visual Studio Code = Better Together

Using Visual Studio Code with Splunk Enterprise allows developers to debug user Python code, gives Splunk admins greater flexibility on editing .conf files, and brings Splunk searches and reports directly to the code editor.
Industries 6 Min Read

Upcoming Milestones and Readiness for the CMMC

I wanted to highlight what has changed for readers who are proactively crafting a plan of action to achieve their Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification.