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The RCE Attack Guide: Remote Code Execution & Prevention

Remote code execution vulnerability can leave your organization open to attack of all kinds. Discover how attacker utilize RCE, and how you can best defend against common tactics.
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The OSI Model in 7 Layers: How It’s Used Today

The OSI Model is not old news...In fact, it's still in use across the entire internet today! Read on to see exactly how these 7 layers work.
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What Is SecOps? Security Operations Defined

Security Operations, or SecOps, covers practically every aspect of security & IT operations. Get the latest on what SecOps means today, all right here.
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IoCs: Indicators of Compromise Explained

Are Indicators of Compromise (IoCs) key to effective cyber defense? Learn about their types, significance, and limitations in optimizing your security approach.
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What Are IOAs? Indicators of Attack Explained

The best tool in combatting cyberattacks is often analyzing cyberattacks themselves. Learn how we can leverage indicators of attack to bolster security.
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Superapps: What They Are and How They Work

Approving and adopting new enterprise software is hard — superapps simplify the process by putting everything in one box, an ecosystem of tools in one interface
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What Are TTPs? Tactics, Techniques & Procedures Explained

Analyzing a threat takes a robust and comprehensive lens. Digging into the tactics, techniques, and procedures of a given cyber-attack can help us stay prepared.
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Product Analytics 101: Definition, Metrics & Tools

Maximizing the quality and performance of a product doesn't end at launch — product analytics allow us to monitor and act on data to refine and optimize services
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What is Applied Observability?

Applied observability is one of the most important emerging topics in tech and science, here's how teams use data as evidence to monitor and improve systems
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Data Dictionaries: A Comprehensive Guide

Not sure where to start with data dictionaries? Here's everything you need to know about data dictionary components, benefits, and how your team can create one.
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Cloud Cost & Budget Trends for 2024

Don't get caught off guard in 2023 — from machine learning to cloud shadows, here are the latest trends in cloud computing this year.
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What is Data Anonymization?

Protecting customer data, especially PII, is absolutely critical for any business. Data anonymization is just one way security teams are securing data without sacrificing strong analysis.
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Data Aggregation: How It Works

Without aggregation, insights from a given data set will lack value and accuracy. Aggregation is the first step toward unlocking the story behind the numbers.
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SQL vs. NoSQL Today: Databases, Differences & When To Use Which

Trying to decide on the right database type? SQL and NoSQL each have their own pros and cons, from relational to schema-less, to vertical and horizontal scaling.
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SOC Metrics: Security Metrics & KPIs for Measuring SOC Success

Maintaining a keen eye on SOC success is critical in any security operation. Join us as we discuss common KPIs, and how to leverage metrics for improvement.
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Citizen Developers: How Citizen Development Works & Reduces Dev Shortages

Developers bogged down? Citizen developers can be a fantastic tool in accelerating time-to-market — here's how to tap into the benefits and navigate the risks.
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Outputs vs. Outcomes: Understanding the Differences

Measuring success is no small equation: correctly assessing outputs versus outcomes can help us get it right. Join us to explore the key differences between the two.
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Red Teams vs. Blue Teams: What’s The Difference?

Effective cybersecurity is a group effort - better yet, a multi-group effort. Learn how the Red Team Blue Team approach tackles security from both angles.
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Cloud Cryptomining: How It Works & How To Minimize Risk

Are the days of setting up expensive cryptomining rigs over? Learn how cloud cryptomining brings cost reduction, scalability and efficiency to cryptocurrency mining.
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What Is DPE? Developer Productivity Engineering Explained

With rising expectations for development turnaround, DPE processes are key in maintaining quality, speed and a satisfying developer experience.
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RSA Algorithm in Cryptography: Rivest Shamir Adleman Explained

RSA encryption allows us to transmit sensitive data online. Here we discuss how RSA works, its use cases, and what security vulnerabilities it presents.