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Platform Blogs

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Splunk Platform introduces new data management capabilities that enable faster and more cost-effective root cause analysis and incident resolution of customer-facing issues.

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Platform 6 Min Read

Causal Inference: Determining Influence in Messy Data

In this blog, we’re going to look at how causal inference can be used to understand in more detail what the biggest influencing factors are across a dataset.
Platform 4 Min Read

Introducing Inputs Data Manager on Splunk Cloud

We're giving you an overview of introducing inputs data manager on Splunk Cloud and answering frequently asked questions.
Platform 3 Min Read

Splunk AR: Taking Remote Collaboration To The Future is Already Here

Remote Collaboration in Splunk AR takes “collaboration” to the next level. Our Remote Collaboration solution is different from other existing solutions today, and we walk you through why.
Platform 2 Min Read

'Unreal' Ways to Experience Splunk

We've rounded up the top highlights and enhancements to Splunk Connected Experiences, making it easier than ever to access your Splunk data in new and innovative ways.
Platform 3 Min Read

Splunk Data Stream Processor & Splunk Phantom - The Need For Speed

Together, Splunk Data Stream Processor (DSP) and Splunk Phantom can give you speed and extensibility.
Platform 3 Min Read

Dashboards Beta v0.8: Examples Hub

Splunk Dashboards app (beta) v0.8 is packed with new features that make creating a dashboard through the editor UI easier, and a new Examples Hub with templates to leverage as a starting point for your own dashboards.
Platform 2 Min Read

Announcing Splunk Data Stream Processor 1.2

We're diving into the latest Data Stream Processor 1.2 enhancements including gaining control over multicloud data sprawl, machine learning capabilities and more.
Platform 1 Min Read

Splunk Mobile Update: MDM Support for Microsoft Intune

Splunk Mobile now supports MDM provider Microsoft Intune, read more here!
Platform 5 Min Read

Smart Education Insights App for Splunk – Part II

In this blog, we will describe how to apply feature engineering to some example datasets taken from higher education organisations, which can then be used to generate predictive models in the Smart Education Insights app.