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Platform Blogs

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Splunk Platform introduces new data management capabilities that enable faster and more cost-effective root cause analysis and incident resolution of customer-facing issues.

Latest Articles

Platform 5 Min Read

Get to Know Splunk Machine Learning Environment (SMLE)

An introduction to SMLE Labs and a showcase of the various ML capabilities at a high level by walking you through the environment, step-by-step.
Platform 6 Min Read

Walkthrough to Set Up the Deep Learning Toolkit for Splunk with Amazon EKS

Splunk DLTK supports Docker as well as Kubernetes and OpenShift as container environments. In this article, we will go through the setup for using DLTK 3.3 and Amazon EKS as a kubernetes environment.
Platform 5 Min Read

Advanced Painting with Data: Choropleth SVG

Curious about some more advanced use cases with Choropleth SVG in Splunk? Take a look at this blog to find out about animations, custom gauges, and why emojis matter!
Platform 3 Min Read

Splunk Cloud Self-Service: Announcing The New Admin Config Service API

The Admin Config Service is a set of modern REST APIs that will empower Splunk Cloud admins with a simple, yet powerful set of self-service capabilities.
Platform 5 Min Read

Machine Learning Guide: Choosing the Right Workflow

A guided walk through of how to choose the best Splunk ML workflow for your needs!
Platform 2 Min Read

Splunk AR: Object Detection

The augmented reality (AR) team shares their advancements in Object Detection, making it even easier to deploy Splunk AR with your assets.
Platform 4 Min Read

Deep Learning Toolkit 3.4: Grid Search, Causal Inference and Process Mining

We're diving into three interesting new algorithmic approaches available with the latest version 3.4 of the Deep Learning Toolkit (DLTK) App for Splunk.
Platform 3 Min Read

Genesys + Splunk = Complete Control Over Your Contact Center

Splunk released the Genesys App for Splunk, which allows customers to get real-time insights into agent status, agent performance, and queue performance of your Genesys Engage contact center environment via API integration with one or more of your Genesys Pulse instances. Today, we're exploring what's inside the Genesys App for Splunk.
Platform 2 Min Read

Experience Your Data in 3D with Splunk VR

Splunk VR unlocks a new world of possibilities for analyzing and understanding your data. Learn more about how you can leverage Splunk VR to give your workflow an infinite canvas, free your data exploration from limited monitor screens and display as much information as you want around you.