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DevOps 9 Min Read

A CI/CD Template for Terraform

Use our CI/CD template for Terraform to learn how you can use Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) to improve CI/CD processes. This template will show you exactly how to implement and maintain a CI/CD pipeline with Terraform.
Security 2 Min Read

What Do Organizations Value Most in a SIEM/Security Analytics Provider? In a Word: Actionability

According to 451 Research’s Voice of the Enterprise survey data, 64% say integration and correlation of threat intelligence is very important when selecting a SIEM vendor. Learn where Splunk Enterprise Security can give you actionable insights.
Partners 4 Min Read

Enriching Splunk Contact Center Analytics with uberAgent Endpoint Monitoring

uberAgent is deeply integrated with Splunk; no additional servers or services are required. By leveraging Splunk’s near-unlimited scalability, uberAgent has been successfully deployed in the most demanding environments with hundreds of thousands of endpoints per customer.

The U.S. Census: Driving Decisions With Data for 230 Years

For the first time since 1790, the U.S. Census will be accessible digitally. Learn how Splunk is bringing data to the Census.
Partners 3 Min Read

The Power of Splunk Security Essentials + Accedian Skylight Powered Security

Giving enterprise IT teams the end-to-end visibility needed to detect irregular and suspicious network activity in real time, and with ease
IT 3 Min Read

The Data-to-Everything Platform: What It Is, What It Means

IDC's Stephen Elliot breaks down how to extract value from data pools within your business and IT to drive revenues, increase profits, and digitally transform