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Industries 4 Min Read

Unlocking the Potential of Industry 4.0 Through a Unified Manufacturing Platform

IDC's Sarah Lee explores the advantages of implementing the principles of Industry 4.0 through a cloud-based platform that ties together the entire manufacturing process chain.
Security 4 Min Read

How Tech Executives Can Support Gender Diverse Cyber Talent

The number of unfilled cybersecurity roles creates a perfect opportunity for leaders to attract female talent at their organizations.
DevOps 3 Min Read

How Does Observability Help an Organization Move the Needle?

Vice President of Cloud and Security Services for Clarify360, Jo Peterson, explores why Observability is an emerging tool that could provide differentiation between top performers and trailing performers in the marketplace.
Partners 3 Min Read

Qmulos + Splunk Cloud Platform: Why Do Compliance Any Other Way?

Vice President of Compliance Strategy at Qmulos, Igor Volovich, shares why cloud transformation requires future-proofing your enterprise compliance program.
Partners 2 Min Read

Monitor Salesforce’s Real-Time Events with Splunk

The power of the new Splunk integration with Salesforce's Real-Time Event Monitoring (RTEM) enables customers to track security concerns such as failed logins, suspicious login-as activities and high risk permission modifications. Find out more in this blog.
DevOps 10 Min Read

Writing Ansible Playbooks for New Terraform Servers

See how you can write Ansible Playbooks for Terraform servers. With this technical tutorial of Ansible and Terraform together, DevOps and IT operations teams can execute playbooks faster and maintain a resilient CI/CD pipeline.