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Faya Peng
Faya Peng

Faya leads the PM teams responsible for the Data Platform in Splunk Cloud Platform and Splunk Enterprise (includes Search, Indexing, Data Management, and Experiences). Her previous roles at Splunk include leading the Product Marketing team and Business Operations and Strategy for IT Markets/Observability. Faya holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Security 2 Min Read

Q&A Follow-Up: How Datev uses MITRE ATT&CK & Splunk in its SOC

Following our webinar with Datev on how they use MITRE ATT&CK & Splunk in its SOC, we compiled all of the questions left unanswered in this blog post. Read all of it here,
Partners 1 Min Read

Splunk named Orange Business Services ‘Digital and Data Partner of the Year’ | Splunk

Orange Business Services, the digital transformation arm of Orange, named Splunk as its Digital & Data Partner of the Year at its annual awards in Paris.
Security 2 Min Read

Too Many Security Alerts, Not Enough Time: Automation to the Rescue

Across the globe, cyberattacks are on the rise which means security teams are going to be even more overwhelmed with "alert fatigue". Automating security alert triage can save analysts thousands of hours and millions of dollars per year.
Industries 3 Min Read

Work Out Your Workouts with Splunk

Using the Strava Add-on for Splunk to help you track your workouts and fitness levels over time.
DevOps 3 Min Read

Easier Multi-Dimensional Metrics in Java

Discover the two key elements to unlocking the full potential of multi-dimensional metrics in Java with Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring.
Industries 2 Min Read

Splunk and the WEF - Working together to unlock UK public sector AI

AI can be challenging, but it can also deliver a lot of positive outcomes. The WEF and Splunk drafted guidance for AI adoption in the Public Sector.
Industries 3 Min Read

Self-Service Analytics for the Shop Floor [Part I] - Splunk Core Concepts

Get to know more about Splunk concepts, including data integration from industrial assets, the power of metrics and Analytics Workspace for fully supported self-service analytics.
Industries 6 Min Read

Rapidly Identifying Systems Critically Vulnerable to CVE-2020-0601 and Reporting for CISA Emergency Directive 20-02

Rapidly identifying systems critically vulnerable to CVE-2020-0601 and reporting for CISA Emergency Directive 20-02

Dizzy with Data? Stay Focused on Business Outcomes

Splunk builds, sells and helps customers use solutions in a way that makes sense to them, based on business challenges, use cases and customized planning. Learn more from Splunk's Customer Success Officer, John Sabino!