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Faya Peng
Faya Peng

Faya leads the PM teams responsible for the Data Platform in Splunk Cloud Platform and Splunk Enterprise (includes Search, Indexing, Data Management, and Experiences). Her previous roles at Splunk include leading the Product Marketing team and Business Operations and Strategy for IT Markets/Observability. Faya holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Security 2 Min Read

Splunk's Attack Range Provides a Simple Framework for Generating Attack Data

Splunk's Attack Range provides a turnkey framework for creating environments to simulate attacks as close to "ground truth" as possible.
Security 1 Min Read

Use CI to Automatically Catch Dead Links in Your GitHub Project

Automate out your margin of error by using Circle CI to catch dead links in Git.

Meet the Doers: How Nate Plamondon Helps Prevent Fraud and Attacks at ASU

In the second installment of our 'Meet the Doers' series, we sit down with Nate Plamondon to discuss how Splunk is protecting the Arizona State University from fraud and cyber attacks.
Leadership 3 Min Read

A Look at 2020: Where Data Packs its Biggest Punch

Splunk CEO, Doug Merritt, shares a look at the year(s) ahead with our new 2020 Predictions report
Partners 2 Min Read

Six Examples of the Power of Splunk + SAP

Discover how SAP and Splunk are empowering organizations with unified context across the enterprise and rich, actionable business insights
Splunk Life 3 Min Read

TechWomen 2019: Women Onwards

During the month of October, Splunk was one of 40 Silicon Valley companies to participate in the TechWomen program.
Partners 4 Min Read

99 Problems, but Throttling Isn’t One: API Usage Metrics with Splunk and AWS

See how many API calls you're making and which API endpoint you're hitting with the Splunk Add-On for AWS
Platform 3 Min Read

Predicting and Preventing Crime with Machine Learning - Part1

Using technology to make the world a better place is not an unattainable vision anymore. Machine learning can help predict and prevent crime.