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Splunk is now officially part of Cisco, bringing the full power of the network together with market-leading security and observability solutions.

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Congratulations to all of the 2024 Splunkie Award winners announced at .conf24!
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Data Integration for Higher Education: An NJIT and Splunk Case Study

With Splunk, NJIT can combine disparate streams of event, academic and infrastructure data to bolster physical and digital security across the campus.
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Announcing the 2024 Splunk Partner Awards Winners!

Congratulations to the 2024 Splunk Partner Awards winners and our entire partner community on an outstanding year!
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Supercharge Insights with Generative AI: Splunk AI Assistant for SPL is now GA

Announced at .conf24, Splunk AI Assistant for SPL is now available globally for Splunk Cloud users.
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Cisco and Splunk Bring Full-Stack Observability to the Entire Enterprise

Splunk has teamed up with Cisco to deliver engineers and ITOps teams with an improved leading observability experience.


Latest Articles

Platform 3 Min Read

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Logs

Splunk can be used to ingest machine-learning service information from services like AWS recognition, what does that look like and how can you set it up?
Leadership 2 Min Read

Data Took Pole Position In FY21

Splunk's Vice President of EMEA, Frederik Maris, dives into Splunk's FY21 Q4 business results. He talks how about organizations can beat the odds and stay ahead in challenging times when they harness the power of data.
Security 9 Min Read

Detecting HAFNIUM Exchange Server Zero-Day Activity in Splunk

This blog discusses how to detect HAFNIUM activity around the recent CVEs released affecting Exchange Server using Splunk and Splunk Enterprise Security.
Leadership 2 Min Read

Onwards and Upwards: Emerging Stronger Amidst Uncertainties

Splunk's Vice President of APAC, Simon Davies, dives into Splunk's FY21 Q4 business results and what this means for Splunk's APAC investments. The ability to obtain business service insights has resonated with APAC businesses, as they see the value of data and how it can be turned into actionable steps that drive better business outcomes. This is an area Splunk is well-known for, and one we will put greater focus on to help our customers turn data into doing.
DevOps 2 Min Read

Hyperledger Besu is an Observability Pioneer

Hyperledger Besu is a Java-based, enterprise-ready, mainnet-compatible Ethereum client hosted by the Hyperledger Foundation, and now Hyperledger Besu integrates with the OpenTelemetry project to deliver real-time, actionable insights into your Ethereum client performance.
Security 2 Min Read

Building a Superstar SOC with Automation and Standardization

Splunker Kelly Huang explains the how and why of standardizing your team's security processes to build a superstar SOC.
Industries 3 Min Read

As Funding Cuts Arrive, Can CDM Deliver on the Value of Its Promises?

Cybersecurity is a tough job done. But when funding allocations suddenly shift after essential programs are already under development, it can be hard for even the most creative, resilient CIOs and CISOs to keep up.
Partners 4 Min Read

Enriching Splunk Contact Center Analytics with uberAgent Endpoint Monitoring

uberAgent is deeply integrated with Splunk; no additional servers or services are required. By leveraging Splunk’s near-unlimited scalability, uberAgent has been successfully deployed in the most demanding environments with hundreds of thousands of endpoints per customer.
Tips & Tricks 5 Min Read

Exploring the Value of your Google Cloud Logs and Metrics

With our ability to ingest GCP logs and metrics into Splunk and Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring, there’s never been a better time to start driving value out of your GCP data. There’s now a pre-built set of dashboards available in a Splunkbase App: GCP Application Template for Splunk.