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Splunk is now officially part of Cisco, bringing the full power of the network together with market-leading security and observability solutions.

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Congratulations to all of the 2024 Splunkie Award winners announced at .conf24!
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Data Integration for Higher Education: An NJIT and Splunk Case Study

With Splunk, NJIT can combine disparate streams of event, academic and infrastructure data to bolster physical and digital security across the campus.
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Announcing the 2024 Splunk Partner Awards Winners!

Congratulations to the 2024 Splunk Partner Awards winners and our entire partner community on an outstanding year!
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Supercharge Insights with Generative AI: Splunk AI Assistant for SPL is now GA

Announced at .conf24, Splunk AI Assistant for SPL is now available globally for Splunk Cloud users.
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Cisco and Splunk Bring Full-Stack Observability to the Entire Enterprise

Splunk has teamed up with Cisco to deliver engineers and ITOps teams with an improved leading observability experience.


Latest Articles

Splunk Life 2 Min Read

The Endless Possibilities of Diverse Thinking

Splunk's Tom Casey reflects on what it means to be neurodivergent and how valuable it is to include people with different brains.
Learn 3 Min Read

Incident Review: How To Conduct Incident Reviews & Postmortems

Reviewing incidents or doing an “incident postmortem” helps your team learn from incidents. Learn the best ways to maximize the value in your incident review practice.
DevOps 11 Min Read

Don’t Live in the Past - APM 3.0 and Why You Need It

Application Performance Monitoring (APM) as a discipline and as a collection of supporting technologies has evolved rapidly since a distinct recognisable market for APM products first emerged in the 2007 - 2008 time frame. While there are many who would argue that APM has mutated into or been replaced by Observability, it makes more sense to see APM as one of many possible use cases now able to exploit the functionalities that Observability brings to the table - particularly when combined with AI.
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What is Data Center Security?

Get started with data center security (on-premises and cloud), including what it encompasses, how to secure data centers and important standards to consider.
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Business Process Reengineering (BPE) Explained

Let’s face it: processes at work don’t always work. Business process reengineering helps you stay on top of constant change while still accomplishing your most important goals.
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Data & Database Normalization Explained: How To Normalize Data

Learn about the process of data normalization, including the different types of data normal forms, the benefits of normalized data for your business and more.
Security 12 Min Read

Detecting & Hunting Named Pipes: A Splunk Tutorial

Named pipes can be threats, too. In this comprehensive article, we are going to talk about detecting, hunting and investigating named pipes.
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9 Best Data Analysis Tools to Work With in 2024

Data analysis is an imperative, but how do you do it well? Start with these top data analyst tools, put together like only professional data analysts can.
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Data Mining: The Ultimate Introduction

Data mining is the sophisticated analysis of data. Learn how it helps to discover patterns and relationships within large datasets, informing strategic decisions.