If you are feeling adventurous and have a burning desire to try out Splunk’s REST API, look no further, this article demonstrates the first few basic steps to get you started. I am going to demonstrate how to create a search job and retrieve the search results with Splunk’s REST API using your preferred programming language (I am using Python in this article). I tested this code against Splunk 4.2.2
How do I get started?
There are basically 4 simple steps to create a search job and retrieve the search results with Splunk’s REST API and they are:
These steps are laid out as below:
Step 1: Get a session key
Use this REST endpoint ‘/services/auth/login’ to obtain a session key before you proceed to create a search job in Step 2. Use the POST method and include the username and password in the HTTP request body. A sample implementation in Python to get a session key with the ‘/services/auth/login’ REST endpoint is as follow:
import urllib import httplib2 import time import re from time import localtime,strftime from xml.dom import minidom import json baseurl = 'https://localhost:8089' username = '<username>' password = '<password>' myhttp = httplib2.Http() #Step 1: Get a session key servercontent = myhttp.request(baseurl + '/services/auth/login', 'POST', headers={}, body=urllib.urlencode({'username':username, 'password':password}))[1] sessionkey = minidom.parseString(servercontent).getElementsByTagName('sessionKey')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue print "====>sessionkey: %s <====" % sessionkey
Step 2: Create a search job
Once you have obtained a session key from Step 1, you may create a search job. The REST endpoint that is used to create a search job is '/services/search/jobs'. Use the POST method and include the session key as 'Authorization' in the header and provide the search string in the request body. A search ID will be returned as a result.
#Step 2: Create a search job searchquery = 'index="_internal" | head 10' if not searchquery.startswith('search'): searchquery = 'search ' + searchquery searchjob = myhttp.request(baseurl + '/services/search/jobs','POST', headers={'Authorization': 'Splunk %s' % sessionkey},body=urllib.urlencode({'search': searchquery}))[1] sid = minidom.parseString(searchjob).getElementsByTagName('sid')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue print "====>sid: %s <====" % sid
Step 3: Get the search status
With the search ID that you obtained from Step 2, you may now perform a GET request against this endpoint '/services/search/jobs/<searchid>/' to determine if the search job is completed. It is simple to obtain the status of the search job and the sample implementation is as provided.
#Step 3: Get the search status myhttp.add_credentials(username, password) servicessearchstatusstr = '/services/search/jobs/%s/' % sid isnotdone = True while isnotdone: searchstatus = myhttp.request(baseurl + servicessearchstatusstr, 'GET')[1] isdonestatus = re.compile('isDone">(0|1)') isdonestatus = isdonestatus.search(searchstatus).groups()[0] if (isdonestatus == '1'): isnotdone = False print "====>search status: %s <====" % isdonestatus
Step 4: Get the search results
Finally, once you have determined if the search job is completed from Step 3, you may now retrieve the search results. The results may be returned in JSON, XML or CSV. Use the GET argument 'output_mode' in the URL to retrieve the search results in different formats. Use 'count=0' to retrieve all search results based on your search string you provided in Step 2. Use this REST endpoint '/services/search/jobs/%s/result' to retrieve the search results. The GET arguments together with the REST endpoint should look like this '/services/search/jobs/<searchid>/results?output_mode=json&count=0'
#Step 4: Get the search results services_search_results_str = '/services/search/jobs/%s/results?output_mode=json&count=0' % sid searchresults = myhttp.request(baseurl + services_search_results_str, 'GET')[1] print "====>search result: [%s] <====" % searchresults
I hope you find this article helpful and useful enough to get you started in developing your own applications using Splunk REST API. This is the complete implementation of the steps outlined from getting a session key to retrieving the search results.
import urllib import httplib2 import time import re from time import localtime,strftime from xml.dom import minidom import json baseurl = 'https://localhost:8089' username = '<username>' password = '<password>' myhttp = httplib2.Http() #Step 1: Get a session key servercontent = myhttp.request(baseurl + '/services/auth/login', 'POST', headers={}, body=urllib.urlencode({'username':username, 'password':password}))[1] sessionkey = minidom.parseString(servercontent).getElementsByTagName('sessionKey')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue print "====>sessionkey: %s <====" % sessionkey #Step 2: Create a search job searchquery = 'index="_internal" | head 10' if not searchquery.startswith('search'): searchquery = 'search ' + searchquery searchjob = myhttp.request(baseurl + '/services/search/jobs','POST', headers={'Authorization': 'Splunk %s' % sessionkey},body=urllib.urlencode({'search': searchquery}))[1] sid = minidom.parseString(searchjob).getElementsByTagName('sid')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue print "====>sid: %s <====" % sid #Step 3: Get the search status myhttp.add_credentials(username, password) servicessearchstatusstr = '/services/search/jobs/%s/' % sid isnotdone = True while isnotdone: searchstatus = myhttp.request(baseurl + servicessearchstatusstr, 'GET')[1] isdonestatus = re.compile('isDone">(0|1)') isdonestatus = isdonestatus.search(searchstatus).groups()[0] if (isdonestatus == '1'): isnotdone = False print "====>search status: %s <====" % isdonestatus #Step 4: Get the search results services_search_results_str = '/services/search/jobs/%s/results?output_mode=json&count=0' % sid searchresults = myhttp.request(baseurl + services_search_results_str, 'GET')[1] print "====>search result: [%s] <====" % searchresults
Nicholas Key
The world’s leading organizations rely on Splunk, a Cisco company, to continuously strengthen digital resilience with our unified security and observability platform, powered by industry-leading AI.
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