This article discusses a foundational capability within Splunk — the eval command. Need to pick a couple commands for your desert island collection? eval should be one!
Another excellent tool for your threat hunting: RegEx! SPL offers two commands for utilizing regular expressions in Splunk searches. See how to do it here.
SURGe reviews the latest attacker trends and behaviors with this look at four years of ATT&CK data from some of the largest and most trusted threat reporting sources.
Behold the power of metadata and tstats commands! These commands will quickly provide situational awareness of your hosts and sourcetypes as you begin hunting.
Explore applied model-assisted threat hunting for dictionary-based domain generation algorithms using the SURGe Security Research Team's PEAK Threat Hunting Framework.
When most people think of threat hunting, they think of uncovering unknown threats – but that is only one of many (better) reasons to show value with threat hunting.