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Tag: Observability

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Learn 6 Min Read

Shadow IT & How To Manage It Today

Shadow IT exists for a few reasons: is one side more right? Is there a middle ground? Get the full story from IT expert Joseph Nduhiu in this article.
DevOps 5 Min Read

The Importance of Traces for Modern APM [Part 2]

In the second part of this blog we will explore how increased entropy forces us to rethink what is required for monitoring.
Tips & Tricks 3 Min Read

Monitoring Pi-hole using Pi-hole Exporter and OpenTelemetry: A Comprehensive Guide

By following this comprehensive guide, you can set up the OpenTelemetry collector to collect metrics from your Pi-hole installation easily. Sending the metrics to Splunk Observability Cloud enables you to visualize and analyze these metrics effectively, ensuring your Pi-hole operates optimally and enhances your online experience by blocking unwanted ads and trackers.
Learn 4 Min Read

SSL/TLS Web Security Certificates & Protocols

SSL has evolved into the highly advanced TLS protocol that protects all kinds of information transmitted over the web. Read the full story here.
DevOps 3 Min Read

Take Back Control of Your Workflows, Data, and Costs with Splunk Observability

Splunk’s unified Observability platform brings together a wide set of capabilities that enable practitioners to regain control of their data, processes, and costs.
DevOps 4 Min Read

The Hidden Side of Observability

Everything is “observability” these days. But not all solutions are created equally. In fact, they are very different once you look behind the (architectural design) curtain. They have very different architectures and don’t collect data in the same way. Find out what the differences are and what you need to consider.
DevOps 8 Min Read

Why Is Log Data So Important In Observability?

Traditional monitoring approaches struggle in digital platforms and they do not collect the rich data contained in the logs. Observability, with OpenTelemetry, is the key to managing these platforms and it is based on the capture and analysis of three types of telemetry; metrics, traces and logs.
Security 2 Min Read

CIO Roundtable: Harnessing GenAI for Resilient Security and Observability – Insights and Strategies

Get insights from a recent roundtable discussion in collaboration with CIO magazine. The talk focused on the dual challenge faced by IT and security managers: mitigating risks associated with AI while leveraging AI to enhance organizational capability.
DevOps 5 Min Read

Modeling and Unifying DevOps Data Part 3: Pipelines

In this third post of a series devoted to modeling DevOps data into a common set of mappings, Splunker Jeremy Hicks explores the Software Pipelines and their commonalities across the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).