
Tag: Infrastructure Monitoring

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Platform 2 Min Read

Splunk AR: HoloLens and Unity SDK

Get a sneak peek on two private beta products — AR app for HoloLens, a solution for a hands-free experience, and a Splunk SDK to allow you to securely incorporate Splunk data into your custom apps.
Platform 6 Min Read

Walkthrough to Set Up the Deep Learning Toolkit for Splunk with Amazon EKS

Splunk DLTK supports Docker as well as Kubernetes and OpenShift as container environments. In this article, we will go through the setup for using DLTK 3.3 and Amazon EKS as a kubernetes environment.
Platform 5 Min Read

Machine Learning Guide: Choosing the Right Workflow

A guided walk through of how to choose the best Splunk ML workflow for your needs!
.conf & .conf Go 3 Min Read

Bigger is Better with Splunk TV: Highlights of .conf20

Check out Splunk TV's biggest announcements from .conf20!
Observability 8 Min Read

Get The Most Out of Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring and Splunk ITSI

Curious about the new Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring Add-on both standalone and in the new Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring Content Pack for ITSI? It augments the documentation with real-world use examples and offers further descriptions of each element provided for free in the Content Pack.
Platform 4 Min Read

Introducing Splunk Extension for AWS Lambda

We are excited to announce the preview of the Splunk extension for AWS Lambda, a new way to integrate monitoring and observability in Lambda environments.
Platform 5 Min Read

Introducing The Splunk App for Amazon Connect

The Splunk App for Amazon Connect uses a variety of data sources to help provide insight into the real-time performance of your contact center.
Observability 8 Min Read

A Pattern for Optimizing Go

Pprof is the standard way to profile Go applications that comes built in to go. The pprof package can expose via HTTP both memory and CPU usage across your application, as well as the running command line and contention information.

Galileo and Splunk: Ensuring Patient Trust with Serverless Observability

As a fast-growing agile startup whose architecture relies mostly on serverless resources, Galileo needed an observability solution that could help it maintain uptime and support its increasingly complex observability needs.