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Global Impact Blogs

Global Impact
2 min read
With Splunk’s help, the Ersilia Open Source Initiative will be able to scale its work to make science accessible to all.

Latest Articles

Global Impact 2 Min Read

Splunk Supports London Poppy Day

James Savory shares the success of this year's team supporting London Poppy Day
Global Impact 2 Min Read

More than a partner: Splunk partner LC Systems teaches big data to public school students in Switzerland

Why introduce Splunk at public schools? Students need to learn how to use tools that help make data more accessible and usable, and Splunk partner LC Systems is doing something about it.
Global Impact 3 Min Read

It's just walking, how hard could it be?

Learn how 4 Splunkers raised over $10K at the Oxfam Trailwalker Melbourne event.
Global Impact 6 Min Read

Astronomy Part 3: Splunk, Megastructures, and ITSI

See how Splunk IT Service Intelligence-ITSI-can monitor brightness of Milky Way 100 billion stars & provide you with real-time insights, swim lanes, metrics.