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Security 3 Min Read

Selecting the Right Skills for Your SA&O Project (Part 2 of 2)

This article provides a high-level overview of the skills that you will need to build a great SA&O solution that really helps your security operations people.
Security 1 Min Read

Strengthen Your Organization's Security Posture with the Splunk Blog

The Splunk blog is your go-to resource for learning how to use Splunk to improve your organization’s cybersecurity. Dive in with a few of our most popular posts on the topic.
Security 8 Min Read

Splunk and Tensorflow for Security: Catching the Fraudster with Behavior Biometrics

Raising the barrier for fraudsters and attackers: how to leverage Splunk and Deep Learning frameworks to discover Behavior Biometrics patterns within user activities
Security 2 Min Read

Punycode phishers - All you need to know

Unicode domains can be used for homograph attacks. Learn what they are and how users can be tricked.
Security 2 Min Read

Use Advanced Threat Detection to Find the Next Shamoon Attack Before It Finds You

Splunker Girish Bhat explains how to use an analytics-driven SIEM solution to detect advanced persistent threats.
Security 1 Min Read

Splunk Enterprise meets Common Criteria

Splunk Enterprise Awarded NIAP Common Criteria Certification
Security 2 Min Read

Assigning Role Based Permissions in Splunk Enterprise Security

Learn how to add a new role in Enterprise Security and apply capabilities to it
Security 2 Min Read

Find Malicious Insiders Before You Become a Headline

Guard against malicious insider threats, monitor user behavior with analytics-driven, identity-oriented security information & event management (SIEM) solution.
Security 4 Min Read

Improving Visibility in Security Operations with Search-Driven Lookups

Initially from legacy SIEM users, Search-Driven Lookups generate watchlists to track events & detect malware from IP address, hostname & signature values.
Security 2 Min Read

How Splunk Can Help You Prevent Ransomware From Holding Your Business Hostage

Ransomware is a serious issue for companies and individuals. A Splunk download can keep your business from being held hostage, here’s how.
Security 2 Min Read

Recap: Splunk @ Blackhat Europe 2016

Splunk at Blackhat Europe, a recap of schedule. Sharing latest tech on data analytics security, machine learning and threat intelligence gathering.
Security 2 Min Read

Playbook Series: Phishing: Automate and Orchestrate Your Investigation and Response

Respond with machine speed when a malicious phishing attack threatens your organization. Automation makes it possible.
Security 3 Min Read

Creating McAfee ePO Alert and ARF Actions with Add-On Builder

Creative Splunk community writes clever add-ons; Splunk Add-on Builder 2.0 wizard makes it easier than ever to build, test, pack add-ons for SplunkBase sharing.