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Platform Blogs

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Splunk Platform introduces new data management capabilities that enable faster and more cost-effective root cause analysis and incident resolution of customer-facing issues.

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Platform 2 Min Read

Data Stream Processor 1.1: Jump in the Stream!

Announcing the launch of Data Stream Processor (DSP) 1.1, packing a ton of additional value to help customers find success
Platform 2 Min Read

Splunk Mobile Support for MDM and SAML

Announcing new capabilities in the Splunk platform for Splunk Mobile, making it even easier to access your data on the go with mobile alerts and dashboards
Platform 4 Min Read

What's New in the Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit 5.2?

The Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit (MLTK) version 5.2 is now available and purpose-built to hone in on common use cases such as forecasting, anomaly detection, and clustering.
Platform 7 Min Read

Painting with Data: Choropleth SVG

What are Choropleth SVG Objects? It’s painting with data.
Platform 1 Min Read

Visualizing the Global Evolution of COVID-19 With VR

With publicly available data from Johns Hopkins University, we built an interactive timeline in Splunk VR that shows an animated dashboard of the daily changes in COVID-19 cases since the beginning of the year.
Platform 3 Min Read

Migrating your Splunkbase App and Users to Splunk 8.0

If your app contains Python code, you need to update it to work with Python 3 and Splunk Enterprise 8.0 by July 1, 2020.
Platform 3 Min Read

Deep Learning Toolkit 3.1 - Examples for Prophet, Graphs, GPUs and DASK

This blog post highlights our customer's data scientists most demanded use cases and new algorithms for our recently released Splunk Deep Learning Toolkit 3.1.
Platform 2 Min Read

Deep Learning Toolkit 3.1 - Release for Kubernetes and OpenShift

With the launch of Splunk’s Machine Learning Toolkit 5.2, we have also released a new Deep Learning Toolkit for Splunk (DLTK) along with a brand new “golden” container image. Read all about it here.
Platform 4 Min Read

Dashboards Beta v0.5: SVG Choropleths Unleash Your Inner Picasso

Learn more about the new features in the Dashboards Beta v0.5 release.