
Observability Blogs

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Observability 1 Min Read

The OpenTelemetry Tracing Specification Reaches 1.0.0!

OpenTelemetry tracing specifications reached 1.0.0; which means tracing APIs and SDKs GA is imminent! Read more about this exciting announcement in this blog.
Observability 7 Min Read

Getting the Most Out of Microsoft Exchange and Splunk ITSI

The Splunk IT Service Intelligence (ITSI) Content Pack for Microsoft Exchange provides a “quick start” out-of-the-box solution that delivers fast results and maximizes the value realized from ITSI. The content pack gives you depth and breadth of visibility across your Microsoft Exchange environments.
Observability 2 Min Read

AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry — Now with Splunk Observability Support!

Today, we are excited to announce the release of the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry with full Splunk Observability support! The AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry allows customers to capture metadata from AWS resources and managed services to correlate application performance data with underlying infrastructure data.
Observability 3 Min Read

Observability with CI/CD in a Developer World

You need to monitor your apps and deploys equally. The Splunk Observability portfolio is the perfect complement to a CI/CD approach, from a developer laptop to an integration test environment.
Observability 3 Min Read

A New Fast Lane to Value: Introducing Splunk’s IT Essentials Learn and Work Apps

Read all about our two new free new apps — IT Essentials Learn and IT Essentials Work — to help guide you on your journey towards IT maturity.
Observability 4 Min Read

Improve DevOps Workflows Using SMLE and Streaming ML to Detect Anomalies

In this blog, we deploy Splunk’s built-in Streaming ML algorithms to detect anomalous patterns in error logs in real-time. Breaking it down into simple steps, we walk you through how to use out-of-the box Splunk capabilities to ingest logs, pre-process the data, apply real-time ML, and visualize results.
Observability 8 Min Read

Recover Lost Visibility of IT Infrastructure With Splunk

The news of the “Sunburst Backdoor” malware delivered via SolarWinds Orion software has organizations choosing to shut down Orion to protect themselves. This includes several U.S. government organizations following the recent CISA guidance. If you are considering a similar response in your own environment, a critical next step is quickly restoring the lost visibility to the health and operations of your infrastructure. To do this, we’ll introduce you to Splunk’s infrastructure monitoring and troubleshooting capabilities that can help you recover much of the visibility lost when Orion was shut down.
Observability 3 Min Read

Prometheus Direct Integration Comes to Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring

A typical Prometheus environment consists of integrations that scrape your applications for four metric types; counters, gauges, summaries, and aggregated histograms. A central server is required to pull each of the endpoint resources and aggregate them.
Observability 4 Min Read

Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring is AWS Outposts Ready

We are excited to announce that Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring has achieved Outposts Ready designation. This designation recognizes that Splunk provides proven solutions for customers to build, manage and run hybrid cloud applications.
Observability 7 Min Read

Monitor Amazon EKS Distro (EKS-D) with Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring

Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring provides a turn-key, enterprise-grade monitoring solution for all Kubernetes environments – cloud-native Amazon EKS, hybrid with Amazon Outposts and on-premises self-managed EKS-D environments.
Observability 1 Min Read

Splunk Developer Fall 2020 Update

It’s been a busy quarter preparing for and delivering the products and content at .conf20, as well as getting updates out to AppInspect and the Python SDK. Check out our Fall 2020 Developer Recap.
Observability 8 Min Read

Get The Most Out of Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring and Splunk ITSI

Curious about the new Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring Add-on both standalone and in the new Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring Content Pack for ITSI? It augments the documentation with real-world use examples and offers further descriptions of each element provided for free in the Content Pack.
Observability 6 Min Read

Reimagining APM for the Cloud-Native World: Introducing Splunk APM

We are very excited today to publicly introduce Splunk APM, the newest component of the Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring platform for monitoring of microservices-based applications. At Splunk, we strive to deliver the industry’s most powerful cloud monitoring solution to accelerate our customers’ journey to cloud-native.
Observability 1 Min Read

Incident Response Insights with the Splunk Add-On for Splunk On-Call

The Splunk Add-On for Splunk On-Call enables Splunk to consume information about incidents, escalations, teams, and on-call performance.
Observability 2 Min Read

SAP and Splunk: A Winning Combination

Splunk and SAP recognized that, and have a shared goal of helping our customers realize the full potential of their data. Organizations around the world have seen significant value combining SAP with Splunk, particularly with Splunk Service Intelligence for SAP® solutions.
Observability 3 Min Read

Mind the Permission Gap

“Identities accessing cloud infrastructure” is an irritatingly tough nut to crack. Over the years, there have been many PAM and IAM solutions that have come up with innovative solutions, but the problem space is still a huge challenge to address primarily due to the rapidly shifting landscape. Find out how to overcome these challenges with the Cloudknox App for Splunk.
Observability 1 Min Read

Display a Persistent Banner Message with the New Global Banner

Show a non-dismissible, highly-visible message across all of your Splunk product pages with the new Global Banner. This is one of our top-voted customer ideas so read more about how you can implement it.
Observability 3 Min Read

Splunk On-Call: New Name, New Features to Improve On-Call For Your Teams

We're outlining the latest updates to Splunk On-Call announced at .conf20 including a new name and upgraded features including improved workflow integrations, improved collaboration and more.
Observability 4 Min Read

All in on APM

Splunk has been innovating vigorously and expanding its lead as the category defining APM, adding instrumentation capabilities, contributing to OpenTelemetry, simplifying troubleshooting, and providing enterprises with the workflows and controls they need!
Observability 1 Min Read

Fueling the Global Recovery Requires the Right Data Culture

Splunk's James Hodge participated in a virtual roundtable for The Times newspaper in the UK to discuss the role data should play in the global recovery. Read more about the discussion and the key findings here.
Observability 4 Min Read

Manage Splunk On-Call Using Terraform

Using the HashiCorp verified Splunk On-Call Terraform provider, teams can fully automate the Splunk On-Call setup steps associated with an application.