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Leadership Blogs

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Together, Cisco and Splunk can unlock many more opportunities to help securely connect everything all while building a safer and more resilient digital world.

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Leadership 2 Min Read

Our Principles for Enabling Remote Workforces

Splunk helps customers monitor their systems, not employees, using already available data from the enterprise with Splunk Remote Work Insights (RWI)
Leadership 2 Min Read

Bringing COVID-19 Trends Data to Mobile

Anyone can now view and access the Splunk COVID-19 Dashboard in the Splunk Mobile and Splunk TV app, regardless of whether they’re a Splunk customer
Leadership 3 Min Read

Introducing Splunk Remote Work Insights: Our Solution for the New Work-from-Home Reality

Introducing Splunk Remote Work Insights (RWI), a solution composed of technical add-ons, dashboards and connectors to deliver real-time visibility across multiple disparate systems
Leadership 3 Min Read

Bringing Data to COVID-19

Splunk CEO, Doug Merritt, explains how we're bringing data to the novel coronavirus crisis with the publicly available interactive Splunk COVID-19 Dashboard
Leadership 2 Min Read

Defining the Value — and Potential — of Data

Research from Splunk and the Enterprise Strategy Group reveals that a data-first approach can dramatically improve any and all types of organizations, across the globe.
Leadership 3 Min Read

Hidden in Plain Sight: A New Podcast That Brings Incredible Data Stories to Light

Advances in ML and AI mean that world-changing insights may be waiting in the data we’re just learning to fully tap. And we’ve got a podcast to tell you all about it!
Leadership 2 Min Read

Diversity, Inclusion and a Million Data Points

Splunk's Sendur Sellakumar shares his Million Data Points and explains what being a Splunker means to him as he reflects on Black History Month.
Leadership 3 Min Read

Welcome Yassir Abousselham, our New Chief Information Security Officer

Announcing Yassir Abousselham as our new Chief Information Security Officer, leading Splunk's internal cybersecurity efforts
Leadership 3 Min Read

A Look at 2020: Where Data Packs its Biggest Punch

Splunk CEO, Doug Merritt, shares a look at the year(s) ahead with our new 2020 Predictions report