Co-authors: Marc Thomas, Senior Sales Engineer, and Sophie Dockstader, Senior Professional Services Consultant
Did you see the global COVID pandemic coming when you heard about the first cases? Probably not, even if you tried. As the physicist Albert A. Bartlett pointed out back in 1976, human beings tend to think in linear terms. The effects of large changes in scale are frequently beyond our powers of perception and even our imagination. It is the same challenge highlighted today by the cumulative effects of climate change and the subsequent tipping points.
Net-zero pledges of countries, regions, cities and companies worldwide have increased significantly over the past two years. However, according to a Nature report, in many cases, there has been “no movement whatsoever” towards a viable implementation strategy. So “Don’t Look Up” like in the famous movie and ignore the facts?
The World Economic Forum clearly depicts the severe consequences of climate change. If you would like to calculate a business case, take for example these numbers for Germany from a recent Capital report: The German government estimates that future climate change-related costs will be between 280-900bn EUR by 2050 - this is roughly 15% of Germany’s annual GDP. Not to forget the expected 1.2bn climate refugees globally as outlined by a Zurich analysis - this is a fourfold (!) increase compared to the current number of refugees. And, a recent report by the World Meteorological Organization predicts that global temperatures are expected to reach record levels between 2023 and 2027 due to the combined effects of climate change and the El Niño weather pattern. Quick and decisive climate action is more critical than ever before.
Fortunately, there is a growing number of companies, e.g. Europe’s Climate Leaders and the Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders which are committed to sustainability and taking corrective actions. What are these sustainability leaders doing differently and how can Splunk help?
It’s a journey! Instead of trying to boil the ocean and then getting overwhelmed by the sheer complexity of the sustainability topic, savvy business leaders have embraced the old wisdom of the low-hanging fruit. Looking at the two parameters “CO2 Reduction Potential” and “Implementation Efforts”, it has become clear that IT Sustainability is one of the first steps on a data-driven sustainability journey.
According to an analysis of 451 Research / S&P Global Market Intelligence, cloud migration of on-premise data centers is a key lever with massive CO2 savings of up to 80%. Even optimizing on-premise data centers with data analytics offers a significant CO2 reduction potential. Needless to say, a focus on IT Sustainability is even more powerful for companies whose data centers contribute a large proportion to the overall CO2 footprint, e.g. for financial services companies.
Sustainability leaders have even joined forces and founded Sustainable IT, an organization focusing on advancing sustainability through the impact of IT with European companies such as Allianz, Assa Abloy, GSK, and BNP Paribas.
Many organizations are just at the beginning of their sustainability journey. They lack visibility into their CO2 footprint and work in silos with point solutions. They collect and analyze data with significant manual efforts, many of them still working with Excel sheets.
In contrast to these organizations, sustainability leaders have identified real-time and automated sustainability solutions as top priorities. “When the yearly sustainability report has been printed and is lying on my table it’s too late,” says one Sustainability Leader. “What I need are real-time and automated analytics solutions so that I can steer the activities accordingly, especially around hotspots.”
As an example, in the area of IT Sustainability, the real-time CO2 footprint of data centers and alerting of hotspots can be easily automated with the correlation of real-time electricity consumption and real-time carbon intensity (gCO2 / kWh).
Sustainability is more than flying less or switching off the light when you don’t need it. Sustainability leaders have realized that it is a technical skill and the universe of complex interdependencies, acronyms and upcoming global regulations need to be understood deeply before any sensible actions can be taken.
The increasing need for sustainability knowledge has exposed a significant skills gap in organizations: Not only is there an insufficient number of skilled people to fill roles, but there’s also a lack of accessible resources. LinkedIn’s Green Skills Report 2023 highlights that hiring for green skill talent is rising globally but nowhere near what is needed. Globally, only one in eight workers has one or more green skills. In other words, seven out of eight workers lack even a single green skill.
Sustainability leaders are proactively addressing the skills gap and investing in upskilling current and future green talent. Needless to say, industry leaders proactively embed data analytics in this upskilling to enable a data-driven sustainability strategy.
Splunk has partnered with AWS and the sustainability academy Earth51 to offer its customers the “Sustainability Booster Program”. The first step is a certified Sustainability Leadership Course to get up to speed on relevant sustainability topics, followed by deep insights into the CO2 footprint based on the Splunk Sustainability Toolkit and finally, where applicable, a cloud migration to significantly reduce CO2 emissions.
The Splunk Sustainability Toolkit continues to evolve around its sweet spot IT Sustainability with a focus on data centers.
Based on many customer interactions it has become evident that real-time and automated insights are clearly one of the key customer benefits of the Sustainability Toolkit — in addition to the holistic visibility across cloud, hybrid and on-premise environments for scopes 1-3.
With this customer feedback in mind, the Sustainability Toolkit V2 has been enhanced with relevant out-of-the-box dashboards, easy integrations with Carbon Intensity APIs as well as predictive analytics. The main focus was on usability. This means that in most cases no additional hardware, sensors or Splunk forwarders are required.
New Out-of-the-Box Dashboards with Real-Time, Automated Insights
New Out-of-the-Box Dashboards with Predictive Analytics
New Out-of-the-Box Integrations and Data Normalization with Carbon Intensity APIs
Updated Configuration for Performance Improvements and Ease of Customization
The Sustainability Toolkit includes a range of inspirational dashboards, conceptualizing what could be achieved with the required data ingested into Splunk, together with a set of working dashboards and completed data onboarding logic, to get you up and running quickly, before you may decide to customize the dashboards to your requirements.
The Splunk Sustainability Toolkit V2 is free for Splunk customers and can be downloaded at Splunkbase.
The Splunk Sustainability Toolkit will continue to evolve. The next steps will be the integration of leading partner solutions in the area of energy management and supply chain. As in the sustainability journey described above, this will make it easier for customers to “go all in” across scopes 1-3 to achieve holistic visibility of their CO2 footprint. Stay tuned!
July 5, 2023
More information and registration
Las Vegas
July 18, 2023 - 3:00 PM PDT
Session OBS1726C: Reimagine Observability Data and Shine a Spotlight on Your Data Centers’ CO2 Emissions
July 20, 2023 - 10:00 AM PDT
Session PLA1105B: Got Apps? Will Migrate to Cloud - SCMA to the Rescue
More information and registration
Come by, see a demo of the Sustainability Toolkit V2 and meet the Splunk industry and sustainability experts.
And if you want to read on about sustainability a little further, we got you covered as well – check out these resources:
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