So, you're wondering if you should submit a session for .conf20's digital experience*.
Short answer? Of course! It will be dope!
Oh, you wanted a longer answer? I’ve got that, too. Long answers are my speciality.
First of all, and most importantly, the on-line, potentially pants-free, version of .conf is going to be as fun and Splunky as you would expect. That means we want you to bring the fun into your sessions, not just the public ‘spaces’ in the environment. We’ll be keen to include easter eggs or inside jokes. Dress your dog like Buttercup and have her trot by casually without mention. Sip your speaker water out of a beer bottle like I do** when I’m presenting the first time run session at the live show. Have FUN with it. That said, these are serious topics so if your style is more deliberate, we still want to hear from you and give you a platform from which to share.
A very close second to the Fun factor is consideration of your career path. No matter where you are in your professional journey, honing your public speaking skills and asserting yourself as a subject matter expert will be a positive addition to your C.V. .conf is the premier education event for IT, security, and business professionals and the virtual event will get you in front of tens of thousands of Splunk users and peers across the globe. Not to mention, this should be the ONLY .conf digital experience so being a speaker here, with fewer sessions selected than the live event, will be even more special due to the exclusivity and your gained experience in on-line presentations.
Finally, Splunk and the .conf team are here to help you succeed. It is as important to us as it is to you that your session is developed and produced in the most engaging and informative way possible. We have shortened sessions to 30 minutes to account for screen fatigue. We will provide multiple coaching sessions to help you prepare your content and your delivery. We offer graphic and editing support to assure you put your best foot forward visually and grammatically. We will offer tools to promote your particular session to your and your company’s communities. Not even close to being the final note, but the last thing I will bring up, the event platform will include an active, live Q&A experience so you will have that real-time, personal contact that the in-person event offers you and your session attendees.
This has been a very different year for us all and with regards to .conf20 planning, we are embracing the Abby Normal of it all and we really want you and your wicked awesome Splunk stories to join us. SUBMIT THAT SESSION!!
*For more information on why .conf moved to an on-line environment, please check out this blog post, also by yours truly.
**I don’t, it’s beer.
Leslie Hasvold
The world’s leading organizations rely on Splunk, a Cisco company, to continuously strengthen digital resilience with our unified security and observability platform, powered by industry-leading AI.
Our customers trust Splunk’s award-winning security and observability solutions to secure and improve the reliability of their complex digital environments, at any scale.