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Shannon Davis
Shannon Davis

Security practitioner, Melbourne, Australia via Seattle, USA.

Security 8 Min Read

Truth in Malvertising?

The Splunk SURGe team tests the veracity of the findings from LockBit's February 2021 study on ransomware encryption speeds.
Security 7 Min Read

RCE à La Follina (CVE-2022-30190)

The Splunk SURGe team offers a closer look into the Follina MS Office RCE, including a breakdown of what happened, how to detect it, and MITRE ATT&CK mappings.
Security 4 Min Read

Gone in 52 Seconds…and 42 Minutes: A Comparative Analysis of Ransomware Encryption Speed

With the release of SURGe's new ransomware research, Splunker Shannon Davis shares a closer look into measuring how fast ransomware encrypts files.
Security 10 Min Read

EO, EO, It’s Off to Work We Go! (Protecting Against the Threat of Ransomware with Splunk)

We read the 'What We Urge You To Do To Protect Against The Threat of Ransomware' memo and Executive Order (EO14028) in-depth, and this blog is designed to provide you with the information and takeaways to start acting immediately.
Security 5 Min Read

Automated Clean-up of HAFNIUM Shells and Processes with Splunk Phantom

Implement security playbooks to automatically delete Microsoft Exchange Webshells and terminate W3WP spawned processes with Splunk Phantom.
Security 3 Min Read

Macros, We Don’t Need No Stinking Macros! — Featuring the New Microsoft O365 Email Add-On

Using Microsoft O365 for your emails? Take a look at the new Microsoft O365 Email Add-on for Splunk to start getting in-depth security and non security data from your emails today.