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Nimish Doshi

Nimish is Director, Technical Advisory for Industry Solutions providing strategic, prescriptive, and technical perspectives to Splunk's largest customers, particularly in the Financial Services Industry. He has been an active author of Splunk blog entries and Splunkbase apps for a number of years.

Tips & Tricks 2 Min Read

Yet Another Update to the Keyword App

Check out the latest updates to the Keyword app on Splunkbase, now with an Introduction Page and Triage Page
Tips & Tricks 1 Min Read

Keyword 2.0

Keyword app has been updated with a new form dashboard.
Global Impact 6 Min Read

Astronomy Part 3: Splunk, Megastructures, and ITSI

See how Splunk IT Service Intelligence-ITSI-can monitor brightness of Milky Way 100 billion stars & provide you with real-time insights, swim lanes, metrics.
Tips & Tricks 1 Min Read

Another Update to Keyword App

What to expect and get excited about from the latest version of Splunk’s Keyword app defined by Principal Systems Engineer Nimish Doshi.
Tips & Tricks 2 Min Read

Steps for implementing Fraud Detection

Define use cases for fraud-categorize & prioritize; data & its threshold & algorithm rules, index data using Splunk SPL (search processing language) in realtime
Tips & Tricks 2 Min Read

Please Bypass the Database

New twist to extract/translate/load process (ETL) is Splunk & DB Connect, moving data fm DB to Splunk to Indexer machines; Create reports w/o knowing SQL & more