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Faya Peng
Faya Peng

Faya leads the PM teams responsible for the Data Platform in Splunk Cloud Platform and Splunk Enterprise (includes Search, Indexing, Data Management, and Experiences). Her previous roles at Splunk include leading the Product Marketing team and Business Operations and Strategy for IT Markets/Observability. Faya holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Security 8 Min Read

Detecting Lateral Movement Using Splunk User Behavior Analytics

The blog is to introduce lateral movement detection using Splunk User Behavior Analytics (UBA)
Splunk Life 4 Min Read

Splunk’s 2024 HBCU Academic Scholarship

Splunk is delighted to offer the Splunk HBCU Academic Scholarship for 2024.
Learn 6 Min Read

Application Security Requirements: Trends and Best Practices

Explore the essential aspects of application security: threats, requirements, and best practices. Learn how to safeguard your applications and data effectively.
Security 1 Min Read

Integrated Intelligence Enrichment With Threat Intelligence Management

Threat Intelligence Management enables analysts to fully investigate security events or suspicious activity by providing the relevant and normalized intelligence to better understand threat context and accelerate time to triage.
Platform 13 Min Read

Developing the Splunk App for Anomaly Detection

A technical overview of the Splunk App for Anomaly Detection, which uses machine learning to automatically configure anomaly detection jobs on time series data.
Learn 4 Min Read

What Is ITOps? IT Operations Defined

Explore the evolving landscape of IT Operations (ITOps) in the modern tech era. Learn how ITOps, DevOps, and AIOps intersect to ensure stable, efficient IT ecosystems for business success.
Security 4 Min Read

Using Splunk Stream for Hunting: Finding Islands in the Stream (of Data)

Let's look at how to use the popular Splunk Stream App for our favorite purpose: threat hunting! This is part of our Threat Hunting with Splunk series.
Learn 12 Min Read

What is Network Configuration?

Understand network configuration: what it means, why you need it, the six most common types, and tools and topics for monitoring and managing your network.
Security 2 Min Read

Splunk SOAR Playbook of the Month: Investigations with Playbooks

For this month’s edition of Playbook of the Month, we’ll look at how you can perform investigations at machine speed using Splunk SOAR and one of our investigation playbooks, Internal Host WinRM Investigate.