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Faya Peng
Faya Peng

Faya leads the PM teams responsible for the Data Platform in Splunk Cloud Platform and Splunk Enterprise (includes Search, Indexing, Data Management, and Experiences). Her previous roles at Splunk include leading the Product Marketing team and Business Operations and Strategy for IT Markets/Observability. Faya holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

DevOps 2 Min Read

Delivering Solutions, Not Just Answers: Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring's Award-Winning Customer Support Program

The Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring platform brings together insights across our customers’ infrastructure, microservices, and applications, providing real-time and mission-critical visibility into the health of their systems. When a customer reaches out to the support team, we understand both the urgency and thoroughness...
Global Impact 4 Min Read

The Homework Gap: Internet Access in America

This summer, we hosted our third annual Splunk for Splunkterns program, a course dedicated to educating interns on our products and applying Splunk to open data sources. Check out this year's winner, Team InfraSPLUNKture, who donated their $1,000 winnings to EveryoneOn.
DevOps 8 Min Read

A Pattern for Optimizing Go

Pprof is the standard way to profile Go applications that comes built in to go. The pprof package can expose via HTTP both memory and CPU usage across your application, as well as the running command line and contention information.

Galileo and Splunk: Ensuring Patient Trust with Serverless Observability

As a fast-growing agile startup whose architecture relies mostly on serverless resources, Galileo needed an observability solution that could help it maintain uptime and support its increasingly complex observability needs.
DevOps 10 Min Read

Extracting Data from Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring

Why and how would you extract data from Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring? Splunk's Barbara Snyder explains.
Platform 3 Min Read

Splunking Azure: Event Hubs

Splunk add-ons like the Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Cloud Services and the Microsoft Azure Add-on for Splunk provide the ability to connect and ingest all kinds of data sources from your Azure environment.
Security 5 Min Read

Detecting CVE-2020-1472 (CISA ED 20-04) Using Splunk Attack Range

Microsoft's recent security disclosure of CVE-2020-1472 is extremely harmful to systems that have not been patched or lack mitigations in place. Learn how to prevent and detect CVE-2020-1472 using Splunk Attack Range.
Splunk Life 2 Min Read

Splunker Stories: Annie Wilson

In our next 'Splunker Stories' blog post, we meet Annie Wilson, Splunk's Data Analytics Marketing Manager for the Global Event Marketing team.
Platform 4 Min Read

How to Win* at Fantasy Football with Splunk and Machine Learning [Part 2]

They say football is “predictably unpredictable” but is there a way that we can forecast the outcome when it comes to fantasy football? Find out how to leverage on the Splunk MLTK to make the unpredictable predictable.