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Faya Peng
Faya Peng

Faya leads the PM teams responsible for the Data Platform in Splunk Cloud Platform and Splunk Enterprise (includes Search, Indexing, Data Management, and Experiences). Her previous roles at Splunk include leading the Product Marketing team and Business Operations and Strategy for IT Markets/Observability. Faya holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Security 2 Min Read

Staff Picks for Splunk Security Reading December 2021

Welcome to the Splunk staff picks blog. Each month, Splunk security experts curate a list of presentations, white papers, and customer case studies that we feel are worth a read.
Leadership 2 Min Read

More to Multicloud Than Meets the Eye: Lessons Learned at The Information’s Digital Summit

Splunk's Chief Strategy Officer, Ammar Maraqa, shares his highlights from The Information's 'Lessons Learned from Cloud Transformation' digital summit.
Security 13 Min Read

Simulating, Detecting, and Responding to Log4Shell with Splunk

Splunk Threat Research Team simulated the Log4j vulnerabilities in the Splunk Attack Range. Using the data collected, we developed 13 new detections and 9 playbooks to help Splunk SOAR customers investigate and respond to this threat.
Splunk Life 5 Min Read

Splunker Stories: Kenny Coleman

In the latest edition of our "Splunker Stories" series, we meet our Talent Acquisition Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Program Lead, Kenny Coleman. We sat down with Kenny to discuss the path which led him to Splunk, his passion to make a difference in the world, and how he always looks for creative solutions to help marginalized individuals.
DevOps 6 Min Read

Five Critical Insights You Won't Get With Your Cloud Provider's Monitoring Solution Alone

The blog provides 5 Insights into why Splunk is necessary to assure health of your multi-cloud estate and covers specific examples of the added value over individual cloud provider monitoring tools.
DevOps 2 Min Read

Splunk RUM Frontend Error Monitoring is Now Generally Available!

Splunk RUM Frontend Error Monitoring Helps engineering teams quickly scope, prioritize, and isolate their most impactful customer-facing JavaScript errors.

The 12 Days Of Customas - the Splunk Remix

Splunk's VP, Customer Marketing Matt Davies dusts off the twelve days of Christmas song, gives it a dubious remix and retitles to make it about Splunk customers or customas (as it’s Christmas and customers - tenuous I know).
Platform 4 Min Read

Splunk Mobile, iPad, AR and TV in Private Networks

Having Splunk Mobile available in your pocket is great, but what if you're not able to take advantage of it because of Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) requirements or security concerns? Through this blog post, you'll learn how deploying a Private Spacebridge might be the right answer!
Leadership 2 Min Read

Using Data to Find Actionable Solutions to Social and Environmental Challenges: Splunk Releases 2021 Global Impact Report

Get a closer look at Splunk's inaugural 2021 Global Impact Report, highlighting our recent environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategies, initiatives and progress.