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Faya Peng
Faya Peng

Faya leads the PM teams responsible for the Data Platform in Splunk Cloud Platform and Splunk Enterprise (includes Search, Indexing, Data Management, and Experiences). Her previous roles at Splunk include leading the Product Marketing team and Business Operations and Strategy for IT Markets/Observability. Faya holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Industries 6 Min Read

Splunk in the Financial Services Industry Today

Get a closer look at how changes in the Financial Services Industry and technology have gotten us to where we are today and where we are headed.
Partners 3 Min Read

Get Extended Security Insights from Chrome Browser with Splunk

With security being our shared top priority, Google Chrome has partnered with Splunk on a new integration to collect, analyze, and extract insights from these security events.
Leadership 4 Min Read

Understanding the Priorities of Data Behind Tomorrow’s Business Opportunities

Many CXOs believe that Web3 will power the next paradigm shift and transform the world, but there's more to its success than meets the eye.
Splunk Life 4 Min Read

Splunk Legal Global Affairs Donates $10K to Technology & Entrepreneurship Clinic - Southern University Law Center

Splunk's Legal Global Affairs department recognized their own Commercial Legal Counsel, Trenika Fields-Smith, for being honored as a Distinguished Alum by her alma mater, Southern University Law Center (SULC), a historically Black Law School, with a $10K donation to the school's Technology & Entrepreneurship program.
Security 10 Min Read

Threat Update: AcidRain Wiper

The Splunk Threat Research Team shares the details on the new malicious payload named AcidRain, designed to wipe modem or router devices (CPEs).
DevOps 4 Min Read

Announcing OpenTelemetry Metrics are Now Available as Release Candidates

OpenTelemetry’s metrics capabilities are now available as release candidates! This means that the specification, APIs, SDKs, and other components that author, capture, process, and otherwise interact with metrics now have the full set of OpenTelemetry metrics functionality and are ready for use.
Platform 3 Min Read

Deep Learning Toolkit 3.7 and 3.8 - What’s New?

We are excited to share the latest advances around the Deep Learning Toolkit App for Splunk (DLTK). These include custom certificates, integration with Splunk Observability and a container operations dashboard, just to name a few.
Security 5 Min Read

How Playbook Packs Drive Scalable Automation

See how pre-built Playbook Packs from Splunk can help augment your security analysts with automation that scales with your organization’s maturity.
DevOps 3 Min Read

State of Observability: Overcoming Cloud Complexity, Talent Shortages and More

Get a closer look into observability strategy in today’s hybrid, multicloud world in Splunk's new research report, The State of Observability 2022.