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Faya Peng
Faya Peng

Faya leads the PM teams responsible for the Data Platform in Splunk Cloud Platform and Splunk Enterprise (includes Search, Indexing, Data Management, and Experiences). Her previous roles at Splunk include leading the Product Marketing team and Business Operations and Strategy for IT Markets/Observability. Faya holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

Learn 7 Min Read

When and Why To Adopt Feature Flags

Learn all about feature flags, a powerful way to fine-tune your control over which features are enabled within a software deployment.
Platform 4 Min Read

Splunk 9.0 SmartStore with Microsoft Azure Container Storage

With the release of Splunk 9.0 came support for SmartStore in Azure. Previously to achieve this, you’d have to use some form of S3-compliant broker API, but now we can use native Azure APIs.The addition of this capability means that Splunk now offers complete SmartStore support for all three of the big public cloud vendors. This blog will describe a little bit about how it works, and help you set it up yourself.
Learn 4 Min Read

Best DevOps Books: The Definitive List

In this blog post we’ll look at the core, fundamental books that have played the largest role in creating the modern DevOps movement.
DevOps 3 Min Read

How Does Observability Help an Organization Move the Needle?

Vice President of Cloud and Security Services for Clarify360, Jo Peterson, explores why Observability is an emerging tool that could provide differentiation between top performers and trailing performers in the marketplace.
Learn 3 Min Read

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) vs. Load Balancers: What’s The Difference?

CDNs and load balancers fulfill similar roles, but they are different tools. This article breaks down the differences so you can decide which is right for you.
Learn 3 Min Read

The Bulkhead and Sidecar Design Patterns for Microservices & Incident Resolution

This article looks at Bulkhead and Sidecar design patterns, including how they’re used in microservice designs — and how they help overall incident support.
Learn 5 Min Read

CVE Severity & How To Respond To CVEs in Builds

CVEs can be serious enough to reject a build. These approaches and best practices help you assess CVE severity and determine how to manage a build.
Security 3 Min Read

3 Important German BSI Documents Every SIEM & SOC Manager Needs To Know About

The German IT Security Act 2.0 (IT-SiG 2.0) has been in force for some time now. Due to this new law, significantly more German companies have been classified as operators of critial infrastructures (KRITIS) than ever. This is a major cause of headaches for many managers. In addition, IT departments are starting to ask themselves: "Are we now regarded as KRITIS"? And if so, "What do we have to take into consideration?" Splunker Matthias Maier shares the 3 most important BSI documents every SIEM and SOC manager needs to know about.
Platform 4 Min Read

Splunk Assist: Cloud-Powered Insights Just for You, at Your Fingertips

Maximize your admins’ time with smart insights and actionable recommendations to enhance security and optimization of their Splunk deployments.